Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1205: See the emperor!

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The so-called running monk can't run the temple, then the master of Zhaorong County must vent his anger today to his restaurant.

So he wanted to live and keep the restaurant. The only life-saving straw was the two people in front of him. To be precise, it was this man in black who had a strong martial art and a mysterious origin.

Mo Chuan immediately understood that the shopkeeper had vaguely guessed his identity.

He groaned a little, took a jade pendant from his waist, put it in the hands of the shopkeeper, then took Shen Ning's hand and left without a word.

The shopkeeper glanced at the jade pendant in his hand, which was originally puzzled, and suddenly became overjoyed, knocking several heads at Mo Chuan's back, and then climbed up with joy.

He held Yu Pei tightly, as if holding a baby falling from the world, when he went back to the restaurant, he was full of confidence.

With this token, he was not afraid even if the owner of Zhaorong County brought someone to smash his restaurant.

Because seeing this thing, like seeing the emperor!

Mo Chuan and Shen Ning had just returned to the palace, and they received a call from the Empress Dowager Zhou to let Mo Chuan go to Shoukang Palace to discuss important matters.

The two didn't even have time to speak, Mochuan changed clothes and went to Shoukang Palace to meet Empress Zhou.

When Shen Ning came out of the palace, Mo Chuan concealed her secretly. For the past ten days, he claimed that the queen was unclear because of the residual poison in her body.

Empress Zhou sent Su Jin to visit Guanju Palace several times and was blocked by Mo Chuan sent outside the door, so the purpose of Empress Zhou did not mention Shen Ning together.

"Children visit their mother."

Mo Chuan saluted the Empress Dowager Zhou in accordance with the rules, deliberately thinking about what the Empress Dowager suddenly called himself.

Could it be that the master of Zhaorong County went to Shoukang Palace to complain to his mother?

He wanted Zhao Rong to dare to reverse the black and white, splashing dirty water on Ning'er, and he had to explain to his mother what happened.

"The emperor has worked hard these past few days. Aijia has made some dishes and snacks you like to eat here, so I specially asked you to come and eat with my mother."

Empress Zhou's expression was very kind, sitting at the table holding Mo Chuan's hand, and summoned Su Jin to serve with a smile.

Mo Chuan secretly felt strange, but he still respectfully sat beside Empress Zhou and personally helped Empress Zhou to cook dishes.

During this time, he was busy with government affairs, coupled with Chu Shaobai's illness and the affairs of the Beiqi messenger, it can be said that he was too busy to get away, and had not come to Shoukang Palace to ask Empress Zhou for peace.

"My mother, this dish is my mother's favorite food. You eat more." He was very guilty and felt ashamed, thinking he must have a meal with Empress Zhou.

Empress Zhou smirked and ate the dishes he had given to him, and he also carried him a jade shrimp ball in person.

"Emperor, you eat more. Your mother likes to watch you eat." She gazed lovingly at Mo Chuan with a strong mother-in-law feeling.

Mo Chuan smiled and nodded.

After using the meal, Empress Zhou clapped her hands again, and Xu Sujin brought a few plates of pastries.

Mo Chuan has always liked to eat sweet and crispy things. Empress Zhou specially prepared several snacks for him, all of which he loved most.

He was grateful while eating.

"This is the Rose Melaleuca Cake made by Ai's family. Does it taste good?" Queen Mother Zhou asked with a smile.

"The mother still remembers that Erchen loves to eat this rose lasagna cake. Speaking of children, Chenchen hasn't eaten it in years. The taste is still as good as before."

Mo Chuan ate a few snacks, drank a cup of tea, put down the tea cup, and looked at Empress Zhou with a smile.

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