Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1206: Zhaorong's nemesis

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Mo Chuan knew that the Empress Dowager Zhou had declared her intention to enter the palace. It was definitely not as simple as eating and drinking tea. She must have something to say to herself.

Empress Zhou said with a smile: "You can eat as much as you like, and your mother will often make it for you in the future. Chuan'er, you still remember that you like to eat the rose family cake of Aijia, not only you, but also some people Grab this rose mellow cake and be bullied by your little girl with a crying nose? "She looked at Mochuan with a smile.

Mo Chuan raised his eyebrows: "The mother is talking about Lord Zhaorong?"

Empress Zhou smiled and clapped her hands and said, "Yes, it's hard for you to be busy with politics. I still remember your cousin. Speaking of her Zhaorong title, you still picked it up and sealed it yourself. Three years ago, she was granted Ning Guogong Send it to learn art, and now you have learned to return to Beijing, you can't think of it, the thin girl who was thin and thin, has now become a beautiful girl like flowers! If you meet her, you will not recognize it!

Mo Chuanhe sneered, thinking, she really can't recognize it, she is now black-handed, where is the innocent little girl back then!

Learn art? God knows what she has learned in these three years!

Empress Zhou didn't notice Mo Chuan's cold tone. She rarely showed a happy expression on her face and smiled: "Zhao Rong is a female eighteenth changer, and the more beautiful the change, the Ai Jia heard that she learned this time. Good martial arts, and her character is generous and generous. The Ai family really likes her. You and her haven't seen her for three years. Have you ever thought about this cousin? "

She and the mother of Zhaorong County Lord were cousins. Before they were married, the two were good friends in their girlfriends. So, in count, the Lord Zhaorong County and Mochuan were cousins ​​who were also related by blood.

Mo Chuan is several years older than the chief of Zhaorong County. He is a young boy and always looks unsmiling.

The master of Zhaorong County was a daughter of Ningguo's elders, who was very spoiled, and she was used to lawlessness at a young age, but she had a nemesis, Mochuan.

At that time, Mochuan was not the emperor, and the two were cousins. The favorite of Zhaorong County Master was this cousin who was a few years older than her. He followed behind Mochuan almost like a little tail every day.

When Mo Chuan practiced martial arts, she applauded and applauded him. When Mo Chuan was studying, she followed her babble with her crooked head.

Later, Mo Chuan was enthroned as an emperor, and all her time and thoughts were spent on the political affairs. She rarely saw Mo Chuan, but Empress Zhou loved her very much and often called her to accompany her. Sometimes Mo Chuan came to Shoukang Palace to invite Palace, will also see a few sides.

Because she and Mochuan grew up together, Mochuan treated her differently from others. When she was a little sister, she also asked her about her current situation with concern.

The 13-year-old girl has reached the age of love, and the master of Zhaorong has secretly liked this cousin.

Empress Zhou and the mother of Zhaorong County intended to make a good relationship for the two, but at that time, the leader of Zhaorong County was still young. Just shy away.

At that time, Empress Zhou was only young when he was young, and he wanted to wait for the master of Zhaorong County and Xi to do the marriage for him.

But I did not expect that when the governor of Zhaorong was thirteen years old, he had a strange serious illness. The medicine stone was not effective, and he almost died.

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