Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Bullet? What bullet?"

The man in red shook his head and hadn't reacted from the Mongolian circle, nor had he heard of Shen Ning, a new term from modern times.

He only knew that he was injured, and was hurt by the little girl who could not martial arts.

Although the injury was not serious, he was so angry that he wanted to kill.

The most annoying thing in his life is being spanked!

Hitting his **** is like hitting his face, which makes him hate very much.

"Smelly girl, you dare to hurt me, if I let you die well, I am not a thousand-faced man on the rivers and lakes that makes people frightened!"

He gritted his teeth and cursed.

"Thousand-faced son?"

Shen Ning looked at his face that was more charming than a woman in the moonlight, only froze for a moment, and then sneered contemptuously.

"What a **** nickname, it's so ugly to death, a good man, actually wearing a woman's fake face, you are not ashamed! But just hit your ass, so many crooked. Nonsense, do you really consider yourself a woman? No, even a woman is not as verbose as you. Comparing you to a woman is an insult to a woman! You are not as good as a woman ... "

She tongued up as if she had fired a machine gun, without panting, like Barbara like a cannonball.

All I could hear was that the red man was stunned, sweating, and he wished to dig a hole and bury himself.

From the time he was born, he was scolded and pointed at his nose for the first time, and he was scolded so **** that he was not as good as a woman.

"you you you……"

It took a while before he pointed at Shen Ning and took a breath, preparing to sneer.

But Shen Ning didn't give him a chance at all.

"What are you, you, you, you are a stutterer! If it's a stutter, close your mouth and talk less! You are not ashamed, your ancestors are ashamed of you!"

The red man's face was blue and red, and he was red for a while, as if he had opened a dye workshop, and his chest was undulating up and down, his stomach full of gas, almost exploding.

"You ... you **** shut up for Lao Tzu!"

He burst into a roar suddenly.

"Shut up if you tell me to shut up, how old are you? Red lady gun, were you the little white-eyed wolf who loaded the children on the carriage, didn't you? Gee, look at you as a lifeless, You look so cute, or you were cute when you pretended to be a kid. By the way, what is your name? You dare to call this name, you must be good at disguise. Please, before you go out next time Look in the mirror, make a big man, what is wrong with Yi Rong, you have to pretend to be a woman, you are not a mother gun, who is a mother gun! You are not only a mother gun, but also a pervert! Really disgusting, big night Encountered perverts, it really hit the ghosts at night, unfortunately! "

Shen Ning rolled his eyes contemptuously as he spoke.

The red man is mad.

Although he can't understand what it means to be a mother-in-law, he can think of it with his heels, which is definitely not a good term.

"You, you ... you say one more word, I will kill you! I must kill you!" His eyes were red, he stared at Shen Ning fiercely, almost bleeding.

At the same time, the bones of his arms made a crackling popping sound, and he accumulated all his strength on his two arms, ready to go.

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