Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1314: Thunder and rain to collect clothes

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He looks like a beast that has only been irritated to the extreme, and will burst and hurt people anytime, anywhere.

With his martial arts, and the distance between him and Shen Ning, he can destroy the other party into a ball of meat with a speed that can't cover his ears!

But there was no expression of fear on Shen Ning's face. Instead, he looked at him neatly, just like a clown.

"Want to kill me? Come on, if you don't come to kill me, you are a timid asshole, even a woman!"

She said deliberately provocatively.

The words "Niang Cannon" hadn't dropped yet, and the body of Red Man suddenly popped up from the ground, like a red light, rushing towards her.

The wooden gun in Shen Ning's hand was held steady and aimed at the young man's eyebrow. When he was less than one meter away from him, his finger suddenly pulled the trigger.


There was another thunderous thunder.

The Thunderbolt bullet hit the young man in the center of his eyebrows impartially and exploded immediately.

The red man's body was bombarded again by a huge impact like a broken kite, and landed straight on the ground, unable to crawl for a long time, like a fish thrown ashore.

"My mask! My mask!"

He made a wailing cry, touched the mask on his face with his hand, and only touched the broken scum with one hand.

The most satisfying and exquisite work he had made was already smashed by Shen Ning's gun, leaving only the residue of his face.

Fortunately, his real face was preserved under the mask, but one face was abnormally burnt and black, and the facial features were difficult to distinguish.

"Not bad, my master's product is great, and the craft is first-rate."

Shen Ning looked at the wooden gun in his hand and praised it.

This is much more convenient than something like a hidden weapon, and the power is quite different, and the wisdom of modern people is really powerful.

Of course, the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the sound of bullet explosion is too loud, just like thunder.

She fired two thunderbolts in a row, and the people in the entire palace were shocked. Even the Empress Zhou, who was far away from Shoukang Palace, was awakened by the sound, opened her misty eyes, and called Su Jin.

"Su Jin, is it thundering? Is it going to rain?"

"It's not thunder, the sound seems to be coming from the direction of Guanju Palace." Su Jin pushed open the window and looked out, and saw a fire move in the direction of Guanju Palace.

It was the guards patrolling in the palace who heard the movement and went to check with the torch.

"Guanju Palace?" Empress Zhou immediately tense up: "Send someone to see if the emperor has an accident!"

"Yes, the queen mother."

Su Jin knew that the Empress Zhou was most concerned about Mo Chuan in this world, so she volunteered: "Look and see, the Queen Mother is waiting for news of the slave here."

Empress Zhou nodded and urged: "Be careful."

Su Jin took several guards out of the Shoukang Palace and walked to Guanju Palace.

The movement of the gunshot was so great that the people of Guanju Palace were all awakened from their dreams, but they received strict orders that they should not step out of the house no matter what happened.

No one dared to disobey the emperor's orders, they all hid in the room and shivered, totally unaware of what was happening outside.

"what's going on?"

"The voice came from Guanju Palace!"

"The empress and the empress are still inside, hurry in and see!"

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