Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1315: Don't hit your face

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The guards in the palace gathered from all directions, gathered outside the door of Guanju Palace with torches, and talked in a lip-to-mouth manner.

But they did not get Mo Chuan's order, and no one dared to break into.

In the yard, the young man in red, who was bombarded with cinders, was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, like a pool of mud.

He suffered two sturdy thunderbolts, but he was not seriously injured. The shock in his heart was far more serious than in his body.

Shen Ning raised his pistol again and aimed at him.

The red man's back got cold, and his heart twitched.

Now he no longer dared to look down on the strangely shaped thing in Shen Ning's hands.

What a powerful weapon! He has never seen, never heard!

He couldn't even avoid such a quick skill.

The two thunderous loud noises just now blasted his three souls out of two and a half souls. Now seeing Shen Ning aiming at himself again with that strange thing, he could n’t help but shout: “Do n’t! my face!"

The mask on his face was smashed into scum, and if he came again, his face would be completely destroyed.

"Niang Cannon, let me ask you a question. If there are half of them untrue, I will blow you into a rotten watermelon!"

Shen Ning raised his gun and said loudly.

The red man thought, this retribution came really fast!

I had just said the same thing to Xiaoru, and it was my turn immediately.

But he dared not to answer.

"You ask!" He gritted his teeth.

"Did you kill the people in my palace?" Shen Ning stared at him brightly.

The black piece of his face, the big red robe was blown out by the thunderbolt bullets, like a beggar to eat.

But she knew how powerful this man was, more embarrassed than a beggar, and how cruel he was. If he didn't pay attention, he would be bitten by him.

"Yes." The young man in red admits frankly, "They all killed me, but they are some ants like ants. You will never avenge these ants?"

"My maid Xiaoru, did you take it away?" Shen Ning stared at him.


He suddenly found Shen Ning's eyes cold, his fingers moved slightly, and immediately shouted: "But I didn't move her, she doesn't even have a single hair, I just want to scare you ..."

"Isn't there a single hair? What's this?" Shen Ning picked up the lock of hair he placed beside her pillow and asked.

"This ... this ..." The sweat on the red man's back came down.

He regretted wanting to vomit blood now, why did he cut the stupid girl's hair!

"I ... I ..." His eyes rolled, suddenly said: "You let me go, I let her go, I promise to say it, if you kill me, then your beloved little girl I won't make it! "

A grin appeared in the corner of his mouth, staring at Shen Ning fiercely.

I was really bluffed by the girl in front of me. Even if she had a very powerful hidden weapon, she was clutching what she cares most about.

As long as she doesn't tell her where Xiaoru is, she will never dare to treat herself!

As it is, the red man's guts suddenly became full.

He even stood up without fear and straightened his waist.

"I say it again, throwing over the things in your hands, the son will not move your girl, otherwise ..."

The words are not finished.


Another loud deafening noise.

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