Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Shen Ning smiled slightly, just nodded, but didn't say much.

This self-made wooden gun is her secret weapon. Naturally, the fewer people know, the better. Otherwise, the next time you use it, the other party will be wary and it will be less aura.

"Aunt Su Jin, it's okay here, it's almost dawn. Please go back to the queen mother and let the queen mother sleep early."

Although Su Jin still has a doubt in her stomach, but listening to Shen Ning's words, she obviously didn't want to ask herself more questions, so she nodded and turned away with several guards.

After her figure disappeared, Shen Ning took back her eyes.

Her gaze fell on the unconscious son in red, and said: "I will now interrogate the origin of this assassin, you all withdraw."

"Yes, Queen Mother."

The guards saluted her all at once, and then retreated.

In a blink of an eye, in front of the gate of Guanju Palace, where the head was still surging, there were only two people, Shen Ning and the red-skinned son tied up.

Shen Ning walked slowly in front of the red man, staring at his face that could not see his true colors.

The red man's eyes were closed, motionless.

"If you pretend to die again, believe it or not, I will give you a thunderbolt!"

Shen Ning sneered suddenly.

As soon as her words fell, the young man in red suddenly opened his eyes and lost his voice: "No!"

His open mouth hadn't closed before he suddenly felt something in his mouth, slippery, and swallowed down his throat all at once.

"This, this ... what is this?"

He looked at Shen Ning in astonishment. He tapped his mouth and found that the thing he ate had an unspeakable fishy smell, and his heart was very cold.

"This thing is called Hua Gu Dan. It is meticulously developed by using the venom of seven kinds of poisonous snakes, plus the poisonous saliva of seven kinds of poisonous insects, and the pollen of seven kinds of poisonous flowers, but it is very precious. There is only one in the world. I specially prepared it for you. How about it? Does it taste good? "

Shen Ning threw the empty bottle in his hand on the ground and looked at him with a smile.

"Hua, Hua Gu Dan?" When the young man in red heard the name, he felt cold all over his body, and his eyes were full of fear.

He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid of falling into each other's hands. The other party tried his best to torture himself, tortured that he was not like a human being, and a ghost was not like a ghost.

That is the most terrible thing.


He stared at the bead and began his luck, wanting to spit out what he had just eaten.

Who knew he had been in anger for a long time, and found that Dan Tianzhong was always empty, and the original qi that was vigorous and full had nowhere to go, and there was endless panic in the horror.

How could this be?

"Want to spit it out? I advise you not to waste your energy. The entrance of Huadandan melts quickly, and the attack is extremely fast. Now that its medicine has entered your limbs, do you feel that the internal force has disappeared?"

Shen Ningju looked at him condescendingly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

The sweeter she smiles, the more fearful the red man's heart will be.

The last time she was stripped of her clothes and hung on the gate was like a nightmare, and appeared in front of him again.

Since this time, she has become his nightmare.

He wholeheartedly wanted to uproot this nightmare and turn himself into her nightmare, but he couldn't even dream of it. He fell into her hands again and was allowed to be slaughtered.

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