Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1318: Noisy, shut up!

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What methods will she use to torture herself this time?

The young man in red thought he was just thinking about it, but his mouth asked involuntarily.

"You, you, how do you want to torture me?" His voice trembled.

Without internal force, he became a waste.

The top killer like him from Zixiao Pavilion has the courage to be natural, and death is nothing to him at all. He is not afraid of death, but this girl's endless tricks.

If he was stripped naked and hung on the city gate again, he would rather die immediately!

Shen Ning's cold eyes fell on his face, and the fear in his eyes was covered by her.

This guy is afraid, and he is not afraid of others, but himself.

It seems that the last method of stripping his clothes has caused him a great psychological shadow.

What are men afraid of?

They are not afraid of death, what they fear most is shame!

Sometimes they would rather die than lose that face.

As everyone knows, the face is the most useless thing in the world, but the man is desperate to keep this face.

Very well, since he was afraid of losing face, he would let him lose face again.

"My question hasn't been finished yet. I'll ask you again. Are you from Zixiaoge?"

"How do you know?" The young man in red looked surprised and blurted out.

You have to know that Zixiao Pavilion is secretly traveling in rivers and lakes, and there are no traces. Although people are frightened by the wind, but there are very few people who can see them in the Zixiao Pavilion alive, let alone be recognized in person.

Shen Ning can be said to be the only one alive when he mentioned Zixiaoge in front of him!

"Well, I know much more than you. Answer my question honestly!"

"Yes, I am from the Zixiao Pavilion. Since you know the name of our Zixiao Pavilion, you dare to offend the principal, do you know the consequences?"

The red man quickly calmed down, raised his chin, and his tone became stronger.

People in the rivers and lakes mentioned their Zixiao Pavilion, who is not afraid to die?

Being entangled in the people of Zixiaoge is the beginning of their nightmare in their lives!

"Hehe!" Shen Ning glanced at him, and sneered a bit.

"Look at your pride and carelessness, and think how glorious the people in Zixiaoge are! Do you know that the people in Zixiaoge are like mice crossing the street, everyone shouting? You don't think Shame, I am proud of myself, how to write shame, do you know? "

"you you you……"

The red-clothed son was so annoyed by her again that she stared at her with a dreadful look, and she was about to eat her down.

People who dare to insult Zixiao Pavilion in this world will die!

"You are already stuttering. Don't talk so loudly. If you let the wind flash your tongue, you will stutter even more." Shen Ning sneered.

Hearing the words, the young man in red almost suffocated himself, and it took a while to recover.

"You are stuttering! The son is not stuttering!" He finally roared with a thick neck and a red face.

"It's not stuttering, it's not stuttering, do you need to be so loud? Noisy, shut me up!" Shen Ning pulled out the wooden gun impatiently, and pointed his muzzle at his mouth.

"Want to be louder than me? Okay, let's compare. Is it your roar or the sound of my thunderbolt!"

As soon as the red man saw the gun, his face changed.

He closed his mouth tightly and dared not say a word.

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