Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"I'll ask whatever you ask. If there is one more word of nonsense, let you taste the thunderbolt again! Do you understand? Nod if you understand."

Shen Ning stared at him, remembering that this guy had killed so many innocent people in his palace in front of him, and he couldn't help but fire, and really wanted to hit his head with a shot.

It is a pity that this gun is not a real bullet.

In addition, he is a master in Zixiao Pavilion and must know many secrets of Zixiao Pavilion.

If you want to eradicate the Zixiao Pavilion, which is a disaster, you must leave his life and ask for news from his mouth.

The red man closed his mouth tightly and nodded vigorously to show that he understood.

Can't understand it anymore.

"Very good, you are smart, I hope you can continue to be smart, and now I ask you, who wants to buy my life?" Shen Ning asked.

Although she and Mo Chuan have already guessed that the person who wholeheartedly wants to harm her is the master of Zhaorong County, but there are still some mysteries that she can't solve, and this mystery, this person can help her solve them.

"..." The red man's lips moved, and he said nothing.

You must not disclose guest information!

This is the first strict regulation of Zixiaoge!

Violators will die without corpses!

Although he was the young master of Zixiao Pavilion, he never dared to violate the rules.

"Reluctant to say? Well, I don't use a thunderbolt to deal with you. The last method of hanging the city gate is also interesting. Let's try again, but this time is not the last small county, I will hang you in Kyoto In front of the East Gate, write the seven characters "Zixiao Pavilion Thousand Faces Son" on your chest, so that everyone who enters and exits the city gate will come to admire the respect of your Thousand Face Son You will be famous all over the world. Do you like it? "

Shen Ning was not annoyed, but instead put away the wooden gun with a grin.

Like your ancestor!

The red man yelled in his stomach, but his body shivered involuntarily.

When he thought of the situation where he was surrounded by a large group of strange eyes without wearing clothes, he couldn't wait to get into the ground.

Fortunately, when he was undressed and hung in front of the city gate last time, he looked like a seven or eight year old. No one knew who he was.

But this time it was obviously different. If she really said her identity on her chest as she said, if this matter was passed to the Zixiao Pavilion, he would really have no face to be a man, and he would die. He has no face to see the ancestors underground!

"I said, I said!"

He no longer dared to die, the duck's mouth was hard, took a deep breath, and said across his heart: "Yes ... It's Zhaorong County Lord!"

Sure enough, it is the leader of Zhaorong County!

Although he knew the answer, Shen Ning didn't mean a little happiness, but frowned.

"Only Lord Zhaorong, no one else?" She asked again.

"Of course not. The rule of our Zixiao Pavilion is to collect money and eliminate disasters for others. As long as we receive a single business, next time another customer comes to the door to do the same business and kill the same person, we are absolutely Will not accept. "

"Bah, what kind of **** rules are just dirty homicides. It's also worth your bragging! It seems that you are not only a godsend, psychopathic, and the values ​​are distorted! It's incurable!"

The more Shen Ning looked at his dark face, the more annoying it was, especially the high-pitched tone when he spoke!

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