Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1320: Can I hit somewhere else

Biquge www.readwn.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

A guy like this who regards human life as a mustache, kills people for pleasure, is not ashamed, and is proud of himself is simply damn!

Yesterday the scene of blood flow and corpses in Guanju Palace appeared in her mind. The lives of all these people were killed by the killer in front of him. He did such a heart-wrenching thing, and he was astonished. He couldn't help hating him, raised his hand, and slapped him hard.

"The girl played well and gave a few slaps to the girl who was so beautiful, fortunately for the next three lives."

The red man endured the pain, his face covered with a smile, and said flatly.

Although he hates being beaten by others, compared with being undressed and hanging on the city gate, it is really nothing to be beaten by her slender jade hands, let alone two of them, no one else can see Own morbidity.

"Fortunately for three lives? Very good, then I will hit your ancestral grave with smoke!"

Shen Ning sneered, remembering that Xiaoru had fallen into his hands, and did not know what bullying and torture he had suffered, so he began to show no mercy.

Seven or eight ears go down, and the red man's face has become swollen like a pig's head.

Although she didn't have the inner strength, the young man in red also didn't have the inner strength, and couldn't make up for it. These slaps hit him with fleshy skin and bleeding in the corner of her mouth, but she continued to accompany her smile.

"Okay, play well ..." He breathed in from the gap between his teeth.

But just with a few big mouths, he could bear it, and it was better than other tortures she had all kinds of tricks.

"You really don't die until the Yellow River, the dead duck is hard-mouthed, and since you think I played well, then I will play an addictive!"

Shen Ning felt the pain in his hand, took off his shoes, and greeted him with his sole on his face.

The man in red finally closed his mouth and said he didn't play well anymore.

His whole face was hot, as if burned by fire, half of it was beaten and half was ashamed.

"How about Xiaoru? How are you treating her?" Shen Ning was tired and stopped breathing.

The red man's teeth were loosened, and his lips were swollen like sausages, but he didn't dare not to answer: "Xiao Ru ... Xiao Ru girl she's fine, I ... I didn't touch her with one finger, Zhao Rong wanted Killing her, the son saved her ... "

He wanted to sell a good deal to Shen Ning, but Shen Ning listened to it, and even more so, he lifted his shoes and hit it again with his face covered.

"You saved her? You also have a face to speak of! You have taken her somewhere? Is it Ningguo's government? You let her trapped in the quagmire of the tiger's den, are you still willing to run here to invite merit? Are you? Silly! Idiot, mother cannon, pervert! "

The red man was stupid, he endured the pain and followed Shen Ning's words: "Yes yes, I am an idiot, I am a mother, I am perverted, the girl played right, played well, I shouldn't Offend the little girl ... "

He just asked not to be undressed to hang the city gate, as for anything else, he didn't care.

"Girl, you want to hit, can you hit other places? Just stop hitting my face ..."

He said with a sad face.

"You now know how to face? Why are you so shameless when you kill someone? They are just people in my palace. What kind of hatred do you have against you? Do you want to kill them like that? The person you want to kill is Me, you have the ability to come at me! What kind of man are you to kill people in my palace! You dare not kill a woman, but to kill those innocent people who have no power, you are so kind to say You want a face! I pooh! "

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