Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1350: So domineering, imposing!

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Ning Guogong made up his mind almost immediately. He must get justice for his beloved girl and must let the queen pay the due price for what she did!

"Zhao Rong, don't cry, the humiliation you suffered today, Dad will let her repay you hundreds of times!"

He caressed Zhao Rong's hair, his voice cold and hard, and an unpredictable chill burst into his eyes.

The Lord Zhaorong lay in his arms and couldn't help but smile with pride.

She originally wanted to deal with Shen Ning by her own skills, and she already used her informant in Guanju Palace to complete the first step plan, putting the catnip powder-sprayed clothes into Shen Ning's suitcase.

But what she didn't expect was that the thousand-faced son who had always advised her suddenly disappeared, as if the world had evaporated, and never showed up again.

This made her full of confidence lose her heart.

After thinking about it, she decided to do it all the time and simply add oil and vinegar to tell her father that she was bullied by Shen Ning.

Sure enough, after Ning Guogong heard it, his anger was almost uncontrollable, and he wanted to kill everyone at all times.

The master of Zhaorong is secretly proud, Shen Ning and Shen Ning, this master of the county has a two-pronged approach, so you can take the trick!

Ning Guogong ignored political affairs for three years and did not appear in front of the courtiers, but suddenly appeared at the Dragon Boat Festival banquet. Surround him in the center.

When Shen Ning did not appear in the Qing'an Temple, Ning Guogong seemed to be the head of the crowd, and the group of officials only looked at him.

This made him proud and proud, and he didn't even take Shen Ning into his eyes.

What kind of queen **** queen, even the emperor is obedient to herself, she abandoned woman really thought that she climbed the branch to become a phoenix?

Not to mention that she offended her beloved daughter, even if she did not provoke Zhao Rong, he looked down on this second-married woman!

I don't know why the emperor had to marry a woman who had been married to be the queen. What point did she deserve to be the emperor?

Ning Guogong looked at Shen Ning coldly, and even sneered when she saw her beautiful face.

But it's just the vixen who confuses the Sacred Heart with a certain appearance!

Shen Ning looked at his bold tone and arrogant look in his eyes, and could not help but sneer.

She picked up the wine glass in front of her, coughed, and stood up.

"Ning Guogong wants to honor the wine of this palace, which is really an honor for this palace."

After hearing this, Ning Guogong raised his eyelids and glanced contemptuously at Shen Ning, the expression on his face even more contemptuous.

He snorted, raised the glass to his lips, and before he could drink it, he heard Shen Ning speak again.

"It's just that there is something wrong with this palace. When I saw someone who made this palace sick, I couldn't drink a drop of wine, and this glass of wine was smoked to change the taste."

After she finished, she poured the wine on the ground, put the empty glass back on the table, and then sat back in the chair.

The group of ministers couldn't help making a burst of noise, all watching Shen Ning with incredible eyes.

So domineering! Be imposing!

But did she know that the offender was Ning Guogong! It ’s someone they dare not offend!

Ning Guogong's wine glass stopped on his lips, and his face became hot as soon as he froze, and a burst of anger went straight to his head, almost instantly burning.

He stared at Shen Ning with a murderous gaze, and his teeth creaked.

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