Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1351: This glass of wine rewards you

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Damn it! Damn it!

Does this blind woman know who she is! How dare she ridicule herself in front of all courtiers? Still sweeping his face in public?

For a moment, he really wanted to rush forward and kill the **** woman directly.

But soon he suppressed his anger.

No, absolutely!

Now in Qing'an Temple, where everyone is in full view, he is no longer angry and rejuvenated, and he can never attack one finger of the other.

Because the identity of the other party is the queen, and his identity is her courtier.

If he did it, he would have committed a crime of great disrespect.


Ning Guo Gongqiang endured his anger and snorted heavily. He returned to his seat with a stinky face, sat down on the buttocks, and gasped for breath.

Very good, he remembered her!

This **** woman not only insulted his baby daughter, but even dare to sweep Ning Guogong's face, she was really impatient.

However, if he can't bear it, he will make a conspiracy. If he wants to deal with her, he needs to think long.

Ning Guogong calmed down quickly. He ignored the surrounding ministers and said hello to him. He drank himself and drank the wine. The more he drank the wine, the more his eyes were cruel.

Xiao Ru saw Miss Ning touched Ning Guogong mercilessly, and felt both dark and worried for Miss Ning.

She only knew now that the arrogant and arrogant man in purple robe was actually the father of Zhaorong County Master, so she raised her voice so that everyone on the scene could hear it.

"Sure enough, the sons of dragons and dragons, phoenixes and phoenixes will make holes."

She thought that Missy had offended Ning Guogong for her own sake. She had to carry this pot on herself anyway.


Ning Guogong was furious, the wine glass threw heavily on the ground, and his murderous eyes stared at Xiaoru in a vicious manner.

A queen does not put herself in her eyes, even the girl next to her does not put herself in her eyes. If she does n’t give a lesson to this girl, she will lose her face in the court of courtiers. !

At this moment, Shen Ning glanced back at Xiaoru with a smile, and praised, "Well said! Sure enough, I deserved my teaching, come to Xiaoru, this glass of wine rewards you to drink, what do you want to say in the future Just say whatever you want, and do whatever you want. Even if the sky falls, there is a palace for you! "

She poured a glass of wine by herself and gave it to Xiaoru.

Xiaoru had never had a drink. At this time, Shen Ning praised him, his chest was filled with pride, and he took a drink from a drink. A small face suddenly flew peach blossoms, and his eyes were tearful.

"Miss, why is this wine so spicy?" She tongued out.

Shen Ning smiled and glanced lightly in the direction of Ning Guogong, but did not stay on his face for half a minute.

This is Chi Guoguo's contempt and provocation!

Ning Guogong and the courtiers present all understood that Shen Ning's words were intentionally told to Ning Guogong, and she supported her girl!

With a "bang", Ning Guogong mastered his fist with a right hand, and punched **** the table, only shaking the cup and plate, and then he burst into flames.

Because the anger in his chest was getting hotter and stronger, he could hardly suppress it.

No! Nothing!

Ning Guogong suddenly woke up, thinking that he had almost hit the other party's aggressive plan!

The other party is deliberately wanting to irritate herself and make her lose her mind in public, then she can pursue one or more of the crimes she has committed!

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