Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1362: Finally cured

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The leader of Zhaorong County didn't believe Gu Qingze's words for half a word. She just wanted to find someone who would never collude with Gu Qingze and make her believe very much. And everyone who was present, she trusted her Father, Ning Guogong.

Ning Guogong did not expect Zhao Rong to point to his head. He was stunned for a while, then secretly rejoiced in his heart, but his face was deliberately angry, and he rebuked Zhao Rong.

"Monster! Zhao Rong, you are getting bolder and bolder, and you dare to believe your fingers! After you left Beijing, I missed you for your father and became ill for three years. When you are safe and sound, the disease will be all right. Who does n’t know this in Kyoto! Did n’t you deliberately pose a problem to the ancient **** doctor? "

Lord Zhaorong didn't think of this section, thinking that this was a problem for the surname Gu, and his father clearly thought it was too easy for him to come up with his question.

"That lord will change another person ..." She was about to change her target.

Gu Qingze interrupted her coldly.

"No need! The county hostess pointed out well. The father-in-law is indeed suffering from a strange disease, but this disease does not come from missing the host."

His eyes fell on Ning Guogong's body, his lips slightly tickled: "Master Guogong, what kind of disease do you have, should Caomin say it in public?"

Ning Guogong and Zhaorong County Master were both stunned.

Lord Zhaorong didn't believe him at all, and immediately shouted: "Okay, since you can see it, then you can say, ah! My father's body is the best known to the master of the county, but he is not sick at all! You If you want to get through the tricks, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive the master! "

Ning Guogong's face sank and shouted: "Zhao Rong, shut up!"

He stared at Zhaorong County Master with a complicated look, unable to tell whether the baby girl was angry or strange.

Zhao Rong was stunned by his father, closed his mouth, and stared blankly at Ning Guogong, thinking what was wrong with his father, did he really have a strange disease that he didn't know?

Ning Guogong moved his lips and watched Gu Qingze stop talking.

Because Gu Qingze was not bad at all, he did have a very strange disease. It was this strange disease that tortured him for three years and kept him from appearing in front of everyone.

Everyone outside said that he was thinking of a girl, and this word came to his ears. Instead of avoiding rumors, he sent people to spread it in Kyoto, only to spread it, and everyone praised him as one. A loving good father, but no one knows the true reason.

He was sick with a strange disease, but he didn't dare to call Tai Chi to heal himself. Only because this strange disease is really difficult to tell. If it spreads through Tai Chi's mouth, what would Ning Guo Gong's face be? Where does he have a face to go out to meet people?

After Zhao Rong returned to Beijing, he was overjoyed, and he was in a good mood. Even his spirit was much better, but the strange disease that had afflicted him for three years was not eliminated, but he was concealed by all means.

The reason why he worked hard to inquire about Gu Qingze's whereabouts, and kept whispering and respecting the other's courtesy was all for his hidden illness.

When Lord Zhaorong pointed to him just now, he was in a very complicated mood.

Not only hope that Gu Qingze can see it, but also hope that he can see what disease he is suffering from.

At this time, he heard Gu Qingze said he had a strange disease. His heart couldn't help but throbbing with excitement, and his palm was hot. He thought he had finally encountered a magician, and he was cured of this disease!

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