Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1363: Be beaten by my father

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But to let him admit that he had a hidden disease in public, it really made him difficult to tell.

Zhaorong County Lord waited for a long time, but did not wait until Ning Guo spoke openly.

She glanced at the corner of her eyes and saw that Shen Ning seemed to be laughing instead of laughing, as if mocking herself, and her heart burst into flames.

This ancient surname and the fox **** are all the same, and they are not good things at all. He is not a magician at all, but the fox **** arranged to come into the palace and intends to deceive everyone.

Yes, it must be that the little **** wants to please the empress dowager, knowing that the empress dowager is not well, so she let the fake surnamed surnamed Gu, want to treat the empress dowager, and invite credit!

Huh, the little **** played a good abacus!

This matter could not be concealed by everyone, but she couldn't conceal the eyes of her Lord Zhaorong, she must reveal the true face of this liar in front of everyone.

"Dad, you talk, you tell this liar, you are not ill at all!" The chief of Zhaorong County shouted bluntly.

She has been with Ning Guogong these past few days and found that her father had eaten well, slept soundly, was energetic, and looked radiant, and could not see the sickness at all.


Her voice had just dropped, and a clear and loud slap in her face stunned her instantly.

It also left everyone present at a loss.

Ning Guogong actually gave his beloved daughter a big mouth in front of everyone!

How is this going? Are they dazzled or are they dreaming?

"Dad, you ... you hit me? I'm your own daughter, did you hit me?"

Zhao Rong was also unbelievable, with five red fingerprints clearly printed on her right half.

Ning Guogong's slap was full of energy, hitting her fiercely.

But the pain in her face was no match for her heartache. Tears came out of her eyes at once, not only the heartache, but she felt ashamed, especially in front of Mo Chuan and all the princes. Daddy slapped!

"Zhaorong, you kneel down to me and apologize to the ancient **** doctor!"

Zhao Rong's tears did not soften Ning Guogong's heart at all. He was so angry that he shouted at Zhao Rong.

The master of Zhaorong County was held in the palm of his parents since he was a child. They were too late to love her and loved her. She never even said anything to her. She had never seen her father so severe.

She flicked her lips and just wanted to cry, but she was frightened by Ning Guogong's angry expression, making her want to cry but dare not cry, choking, but stubbornly refused to kneel.

"Why do you want me to kneel! I am the emperor's cousin Zhao Rongjun, who is something, dad, are you old and confused, let my daughter kneel to a river and lake liar!"

Zhaorong County Lord was angry and anxious, shouting no matter what.

"Slap!" Another slap on her cheek, only to beat her body stumbled, almost fell.

Ning Guogong's anger was unstoppable, and he slaps in the face again.

Although these two slaps are not heavy, Zhao Rong has never been beaten by her father since childhood, and she has been slapped in slaps one after another. She has no idea where she is, is she having a nightmare?

Everyone else was stunned by Ning Guogong's actions. The scene was silent and the needles were audible.

After a while, Lord Zhaorong finally recovered, and wowed with a cry.

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