Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1373: Enemy of the enemy

Biquge www.readwn.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

This young man's luck is really good. Once he enters the palace, he shows his skills in front of the empress dowager. If his medicine is effective and can cure the empress dowager, then his future is limitless!

If you can stand up to this great god, you can not only let the doctors help you see the disease, but also use your strength to enter the eyes of the queen mother, into the eyes of the queen mother, it is equivalent to the eyes of the empress, flying Huang Tengda is just around the corner!

People share the same heart.

Everyone hula la all of a sudden surrounded Gu Qingze in the middle.

"Mr. Shenyi's medical skills are really eye-opening!"

"Rare in the sky, hard to find on the ground!"

"The name of the Divine Doctor is indeed well-deserved!"

This time everyone's praises came from a sincere, sincere tone, which is very different from the previous slippery horse.

But as if Gu Qingze didn't hear it at all, he ignored everyone, pointed at Shen Ning, and said, "Chair!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, wondering what he meant.

Shen Ning pursed his lips and walked over to push his special chair away from him, saying, "Ancient Doctor, please sit down."

The ministers suddenly realized that they could not help secretly uttering their tongues, thinking that the young man was so brave, but he dared to instruct the Queen Mother to do things for him, and hey, the Divine Doctor was the Divine Doctor, and his face was so great!

Gu Qingze sat back in his chair and looked away from Shen Ning. He went back to his original seat and picked up a glass of sherbet.

Shen Ning knew that he had a strange temper and was not annoyed. He smiled slightly and returned to his place.

The master of Zhaorong County looked at this scene suspiciously, and some wondered.

Are these two people together? Why did it seem that the country man's attitude towards the fox **** was not so friendly, not only badly, but also instructed her to do things in front of so many princes, clearly not seeing her queen as her eyes.

A flash of joy flashed through her eyes.

The master once said that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. This ancient magician has apparently turned his back on Shen Ning. Why didn't he take the opportunity to draw him over and deal with the fox **** together?

She gave a small mouth with a sweet smile and walked in front of Ning Guogong. She said diligently: "Dad, my daughter knows wrong. She just said nothing and offended the ancient magician. The daughter is willing to pay the ancient magician."

Ning Guogong was quite surprised and glanced at her: "Zhao Rong, are you really wrong? Will you apologize to the doctor?"

He knew that this daughter was arrogant and stubborn, and she would do everything she wanted when she recognized it, and never turn around. It is really unbelievable that she is willing to lay down her identity and indemnify people.

"Dad, the daughter also has a pair of eyes, and you can see clearly. The ancient magician is really a well-deserved magician. The daughter said the wrong thing, of course, she must admit it to the magician." The sleeves of the male shook, a child's pride.

Ning Guogong chuckled and said, "Okay, that father will take you to admit mistakes to the Divine Doctor."

He took the hand of Lord Zhaorong and came to Gu Qingze with a smile: "The ancient magician, she knows that the girl is wrong, and you come to the doctor to admit your mistakes. I hope that the doctor will have a lot of adults and forgive her little girl. . "

Lord Zhaorong took a step forward and gave a blessing to Gu Qingze: "Ancient God Doctor, your medicine is really high, it's really amazing, this county master has served you!"

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