Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1374: precious gift

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Zhaorong County Lord was born in a high position and was accustomed to the attitude of admonishment. At this time, although it was an apology, the attitude was still in the first-class posture of the County Lord.

Ning Guogong could n’t help but frown, and wanted to reprimand her, but then thought about it, her daughter was arrogant and arrogant, and it ’s already not easy to say these words, anyway, she no longer targeted The ancient magician spoke bad words to him, and he was already thankful.

Gu Qingze didn't seem to care about his sincere apology for the leader of Zhaorong County.

"Duke Guo, today is the birthday of Ling Ai. Cao Min can't be empty-handed when he comes to the banquet. Here is a snow silk jacket. If Ling Ai is not disgusted, give him a gift."

After he finished speaking, he took out the snow silk jacket and sent it to Ning Guogong.

"What? Snow ... Snow silk clothing?" Ning Guogong was taken aback, looking at the clothes that didn't make a lot of eyes, his hands trembling, and he started light and soft like nothing.

He is well-informed and knows that the snow silk clothing is difficult to wear with swords on his body, and the water and fire will not invade. It can be regarded as the treasure of heaven and earth, but like this legendary god, all are inexplicable.

Even with his material and financial resources, he could not get a piece of snow silk clothing.

Now Gu Qingze actually took it out and gave it to himself, which made him hard to believe that this was true.

"Ancient and ancient magician, is this really a silkworm clothing?" Ning Guogong's voice trembled with excitement.

The master of Zhaorong disregarded the clothes in his hands, and the gray was not shiny. If she wore it like a gray crow, she would not be rare.

She didn't even hear any snow silk clothes! If it were not for her wholehearted desire to win over Gu Qingze, he had already snatched the broken dress and threw it back on his face.

"Dad, what is the silkworm jacket? Is it good?" She asked with a dismissive mouth.

Ning Guogong's excitement was overwhelmingly expressed: "Silly girl, this snow silkworm clothing is the world's treasure, the ancient magician actually gave you such a precious gift, and I don't hurry to thank the magician!"

"Holy Doctor, thank you for your gift." After the Lord Zhaorong finished speaking, he lifted his chin and glanced at Shen Ning with proud eyes.

Because she saw Shen Ning kept staring at the snow silk jacket, although she did n’t know what was good about it, but the fox **** cares so much about it, but the dress was given to herself by the ancient magician , She was proud.

Shen Ning bit her lip and turned away, without saying a word.

She had already recognized that this snow silk jacket was the one that Gu Qingze gave to herself yesterday. She felt that she was valuable and confiscated. Gu Qingze took it back in one go and threatened to send it to others.

Was he already planning to give this snow silk clothing to the Zhaorong County Master as a gift at the time?

She always thought that Gu Qingze and herself would disappear after a short time of anger, but she never thought that he would give the precious snow silk garment to Zhaorong County Master who had always done her right!

I knew that this was the case, and she should have accepted it without hesitation.

"Zhao Rong, don't you have to put on this snow silk garment quickly, the ancient **** doctor has something for you, you should keep it in your heart firmly!" Ning Guogong's face was full of joy.

The Lord Zhaorong looked at the humble dress in his hand and was reluctant to a hundred.

"Dad, keep it and wear it later."

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