Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1396: He is not a veterinarian!

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Shen Ning really didn't guess wrong. Gu Qingze did not sleep. He closed his eyes, but listened to Shen Ning's words without any leaks. He couldn't help being angry and funny.

Going into the palace to help her get angry, this ghost girl actually pushed the rotten wood tip to herself, wanting to see herself for that **** master?


When he was Gu Qingze, what kind of sickness was there?

He is not a veterinarian!

Ning Guogong pulled the leader of Zhaorong County and came to Gu Qingze. When he saw his eyes closed, he breathed heavily, as if he was asleep.

If he changed his usual time, he would not dare to disturb Gu Qingze's rest, but now ...

"Zhaorong, kneel!" He shouted.

The leader of Zhaorong County looked at Ning Guogong in disbelief for a moment.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Why should my daughter kneel?"

"The ancient **** healed the strange disease on you, shouldn't you kneel down and thank the ancient **** doctor? You have been taught to your father, and you have to be kind to the people, do you all become by your ears? Don't give me Kneel down and thank the ancient **** doctor! "His eyes were shining, and he stared at Lord Zhaorong.

One hundred reluctance in the heart of Zhaorong County Lord.

Although she wanted to win over Gu Qingze, it did not mean that she was willing to kneel to the other party.

"Dad, my daughter is the lord of the emperor. He is just a civilian. You let the daughter of the lord of the Tangtang kneel to the civilians, which will insult the royal dignity."

"What kind of royal dignity! For the sake of dignity, do you have to ignore the rules of being a man? How do you teach your father? If you don't kneel, I will break your leg!" Ning Guogong shouted angrily.

Although the leader of Zhaorong County had been loved by his father, but she was really angry when she saw Ning Guogong, she was scared in her heart, and she had no choice but to kneel down in grievance.

"Caomin, Caomin, the lord of this county kneels down on you today, I'm afraid you can't stand it. If there is any disaster in the future, don't blame the lord of this county!"

She looked at Gu Qingze with a long face, talking in her heart.

"Say!" Ning Guogong shouted again.

"Say? What are you talking about?" Lord Zhao Rong blinked with an aggrieved expression.

"Thank you to the ancient **** doctor! Do you have to teach you to fail for this kind of words?"

"Okay, I said, I said!" Master Zhaorong gritted his teeth and apologized like an endorsement: "Thanks to the great grace of the ancient doctor, you cured the disease of the master of the county. The master of the county is very grateful. Whatever you want, the Lord of the County can give you everything. Do you want gold and silver? Or the beauty of the house? As long as you say, the Lord of the County can afford it. "

Everyone in the hall looked at her in amazement. Everyone thought, this Lord Zhaorong looked like a clever face, but who thought that it was an embroidered pillow with a beautiful appearance, but a belly of grass!

Ning Guogong couldn't believe that such thoughtless words would come from his daughter's mouth. He was angry and anxious. He slapped it on the back of Zhaorong County Master and angered:

"You girl, what nonsense! See me not killing you!"

He raised his palm again, only hitting the back of Zhaorong County Master, but the sound was loud but the force was light.

Although Lord Zhaorong did n’t hurt, he was beaten by his father in public, his face was feverish, he jumped up from the ground, grabbed Ning Guogong ’s hand, and screamed: “Dad, why do you blame her daughter? What is wrong, what is wrong? He wants gold and silver, and I can give him what he wants, as long as he says it, is there anything wrong? "

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