Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1397: Father and daughter

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Ning Guogong was trembling with rage and shouted, "You ... you dare to bump into your father! You ... you kneel down for me!"

The prince of Zhaorong County lifted his chin: "I'm not wrong, I won't kneel!"

"You ... you ..." Ning Guo was so speechless.

The two played in front of Gu Qingze, scolding each other, and the voice was sharp and loud, making a good play noisily.

Not to mention that Gu Qingze is just a false sleep, even if he is really asleep, he will be woken up by the voices of these two people.

Shen Ning looked in his eyes, secretly funny, but deliberately did not pierce the faces of Ning Guo ’s father and daughter, and the two of them kept on going.

Mo Chuan also slightly hooked his lips, revealing a playful expression. He could not see Ning Guogong and Zhao Rong in trouble for Gu Qingze.

"Where did the group of mice choke and disturb the clear dreams! Not all said that the palace is a fairyland on earth, why even the mouse bugs are mixed into the palace and let people not sleep!"

Gu Qingze knew that if he was pretending to be asleep, the father-daughter duo did not know when it would be played, so he opened his eyes and looked at Ning Guogong angrily.

As soon as he spoke, he satirized that the other party was a rat bug, but Ning Guogong was not angry at all, but instead smiled.

"I'm really sorry. The mother-in-law taught the little girl a little louder. I didn't expect to wake up the doctor to take a break. I also asked the doctor not to blame."

The ministers couldn't help but admire his good cultivation.

The leader of Zhaorong County was sullen. If she didn't want to draw Gu Qingze, she would swear.

"Zhao Rong, the ancient **** doctor awoke, don't you have to thank his old man quickly?" Ning Guogong glared at the leader of Zhao Rong County.

"Ancient God Doctor, what reward do you want, just tell the master of this county ..." The leader of Zhaorong County rolled his eyes and reluctantly spoke.

Although she is no longer itchy now, but when she thought of the strange way Gu Qingze said, she made herself ugly in front of so many eyes, especially the emperor's cousin, she even blamed Gu Qingze together. .

"Zhao Rong, shut up!"

Ning Guogong quickly interrupted the leader of Zhaorong County, fearing that she would say something that violated Gu Qingze's taboo.

"Ancient God Doctor, your Qimen remedy is indeed very magical. The little girl is not itchy now. May I ask the Ancient God Doctor, has this dermatophytosis been cured, and will it recur in the future?" Road.

This was probably the first time in his life that he whispered to someone.

Everyone thought he was for the leader of Zhaorong County, and he secretly praised him as a good father, so he whispered to a grassman for his daughter.

But only Ning Guogong knew who he was for.

"Heal? Is it so easy!" Gu Qingze sneered.

This sneer was like a pot of ice water, which poured Ning Guogong a cold heart.

"Then ... what did the ancient magician mean that the disease would recur in the future?" His voice trembled slightly.

Gu Qingze nodded without hesitation: "The locust tree can only temporarily relieve the disease of dermatophytosis, so that the county master no longer feels itchy, but if it is not used for twelve hours, it will relapse again, and it will compare once. Once itchy, if there is no symptomatic medicine, it will be like I said earlier, and soon the red pimples will appear on the county master's body, and then the white fish scales will grow, and finally the whole body skin will rot away piece by piece ... "

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