Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1508: delicate and charming

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The hatred for Shen Ning in the heart of Zhaorong County has been like a huge wave, which cannot be stopped.

Her very hateful words heard the ears of the young man in red, and he also hated Shen Ning in general.

Originally, he was reluctant to let Zhaorong County Master make himself a woman. At this time, his thoughts moved, and he suddenly thought: This woman's heart is more ruthless than men. This is true, Zhaorong County Master Fazi is very good, if that really let the girl surnamed Shen die, it is too cheap for her!

She is now the queen empress who is high above him, then he will pull her off the queen throne, letting her not only lose the honor of the queen, but also lose the heart of her beloved man. For a woman, it is more than death. terrible!

"Very well, the county master's idea is really brilliant, and it was so happily decided!"

After the young man Yi Rong became a woman, he smiled for the first time on his face. He smiled lightly and looked forward to his eyes. He almost let Zhaorong County Master straighten his eyes.

Lord Zhaorong was originally worried that he would be reluctant, and he was overjoyed when he heard the news.

"Okay, since you are willing to help me, let's plan well. By the way, you are dressed as a woman, although it looks like, but when you speak, it is the voice of a man. What can you do? Or, you Pretend to be dumb? "


This is a good idea.

The red man nodded: "Okay, I pretend to be dumb. I don't say a word, so there are no flaws?"

The leader of Zhaorong County looked at him again: "Also, you don't sit like a woman. Everybody's boudoir sits like this. The waist is straight, the head is slightly sagged, and your hands are folded on your right knee. Go up, press lightly, but not forcefully, legs are slanted together and toes are stepped on the ground, this will make the posture more slender and beautiful ... "

She demonstrated it personally, teaching the red man one by one from the sitting posture, manners, etc.

The young man in red is very clever and will learn the words of Lord Zhao Rong in his heart.

He walked a few steps in accordance with the walking method of the Bishop of Zhaorong County. He lost his internal strength, and was injured and blood loss, and his body was weak.

"Very well, even now I can't see that this beauty who is even more beautiful than the fairy is actually a man." The leader of Zhaorong County was more and more satisfied with his eyes, his mouth raised, and his eyes bright.

The red man hooked his lips, his eyes turned, and fell on himself in the mirror. I saw that the face in the mirror could be regarded as a heavenly country, and the country was all over the city, especially the grudge in his eyes flowed into his eyes. , Even he himself was fascinated.

Such a beauty, if there is a man who is not tempted to see him, then he really cannot be said to be a man.

"Oh, I forgot a big event. Since I want to send you into the palace, you always need a name. Thousand-faced son, what is your honorary name?" Zhaorong County Lord suddenly patted his forehead. I remembered this important thing.

The red man's mouth twitched and said lightly: "It doesn't matter what my name is, does the sister-in-law intend to use my real name?"

"Of course not." The chief of Zhaorong County did not want to say that: "Well, since that is the case, then I will give you a name."

Her eyes fell on his face, her eyes turned round and round and she smiled: "Look at you with a pitiful look, why not call it pity?"

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