Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1509: He is really unlucky

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The young man in red shook his body, covered with goose bumps all over his body. He shook vigorously with a firm expression: "No! It's disgusting!"

The main word of Zhaorong County: "I think this name is beautiful, it is called pity."

The red man blushed almost to bleed, and he held it for a long time before saying: "I ... I would rather die than!"

Lord Zhaorong stared at him and suddenly laughed while holding her belly. She didn't expect that the demon-like son of Thousand Faces would have a day of deflation, but she couldn't just bend down and smile.

"Okay, okay, if you don't like the name, you won't be called pity."

The young man in red was relieved. He was afraid that the leader of Zhaorong County would randomly give himself a goose bumps name. He quickly said: "My nickname is a thousand-faced son, why not just take the first word and call it Qianqian. . "

"Qianqian? It sounds good. It's slim and weak. It's very similar to your appearance as a woman. Well, I'll call you Qianqian after that."

The red man grinded his teeth silently.


Zhaorong County Lord shouted suddenly.

The red man was stunned for a long time, only to realize that she was calling herself with an awkward look on her face, and hummed: "What's the matter with the county lord girl?"

The lord of Zhaorong giggled and said: "It's okay, the lord of the county is calling you and making you accustomed to this name."

"Humph!" The young man in red was shy and annoyed, but he didn't dare to attack, so he groaned.

Lord Zhaorong smiled and smiled, and the smile on her face slowly disappeared. She looked at the charming and moving face of the young man in red with a sudden sadness.

If he looks like him, would the emperor's cousin like himself? Will he leave the little **** and come to himself?

Suddenly, she raised her hand and slammed the red man.

The young man in red was stunned, covering his face and shouting, "Master, why do you want to hit me?"

"It's all your face that was born badly. Why do you have such a pair of eyes like Humeizi, why do you have such a look that makes men lose their souls for you! It's all you bad, you bad!"

In front of Zhaorong County, what seemed to be not the face of the red man, but Shen Ning's beautiful and charming face. The muscles on her face were twisted, and the hatred was in her heart. .

The man in red has never been hit in the face like this, pain and hate, clenched his fists in both hands, and secretly thought about the humiliation suffered today, I will give back hundreds of times in the future!

His gaze fell on Zhao Rongjun's face, but he couldn't help but stunned. He saw that Zhao Rongjun looked like a madman, but his eyes showed a miserable look, obviously unspeakable sadness.

It turned out that the pain in her heart was a thousand times more painful than the pain on my face!

This Caobao County Lord is also pitiful. If he can't get his beloved man, he wants to ruin the man's beloved woman. Huh, nothing good!

If you change your son, as long as you see which girl, and if there is any other man in her heart, just take it away! How can it be like this straw bag master, except to find others to vent their anger, fart useless!

He was extremely disdainful to the leader of Zhaorong County, but the slap on the face of the leader of Zhaorong County was really painful.

"Sister-in-law, you admit the wrong person, I am Qianqian, not the girl with the surname Shen!" The son in red shouted in pain.

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