Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1634: Let's kill again

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I thought he had almost lost his life on the battlefield when he hadn't lost his skills. Now he has lost all his skills. She is a weak woman who cannot martial arts. The two of them ran to the battlefield.

He couldn't figure out if this girl was stupid. She was improperly placed as a good-looking queen, and the glory and wealth of the palace were not enjoyed. She actually wanted to find a bitter food and ran to the front line.

If she is tired of living, he still hasn't lived enough! He didn't want to accompany her to die!

"Well, I really have to go, and I must go." Shen Ning nodded vigorously, and said: "It's still that sentence, if you don't want to go, stay here and wait for me."

Thousand-faced son had no choice but to gritt his teeth and said: "Thousands of vows to follow his aunt."

He thought to himself, in any case, he had to rush to complete his plan of revenge before meeting the Nanyue Army. The time was tight, and he could not be allowed to delay more.

This girl is not poisonous. The plan of poisoning is obviously not going to work. Then he has to think about something else.

"Okay, let's hurry up now, you pack your bags, I'll wait for you downstairs."

After Shen Ning finished speaking, he went to his own room next door, took his luggage, went to the stable downstairs and led the two people's horses, and waited in front of the guest shop.

Before long, Qianqian came downstairs with a small burden.

The two turned their horses, and while the sky was still bright, they left the town and went south.

After walking for a while, the son of Thousand Faces drew out an oil paper bag from the bag and handed it to Shen Ning.

"Auntie, this is the dim sum I made yesterday. You must be hungry first."

Shen Ning took it over with a smile, and said, "It's still you who is careful and thoughtful. I hurried to go out, and I even forgot to bring the dry food."

She opened the oil paper bag, twisted a piece of dim sum and brought it into the mouth. She praised: "I didn't expect to leave the palace, and you can eat more delicious dim sum than the royal chef in the palace. Thousands, your craft is so good, it seems I'm blessed along the way. "

"Aunt likes to eat, Qianqian will be very happy."

Thousand-faced son bowed his head embarrassedly, but there was a smug look in his eyes.

Just now when he handed over the snack, he quietly sprinkled some catnip powder on Shen Ning's sleeve, and the other party didn't notice it at all.

Now that he knew she would not invade by poison, he didn't poison it in this snack, only some nepeta powder.

He still refused to give up.

All poisons do not invade?

However, the catmint powder and catnip are not poisons, but their combined power is more terrible than most poisons!

He had eaten the bitterness of these two poisonous powders personally, and his experience that night was as terrible as a nightmare for him.

The smelling wild cats almost dug out his eyes and almost turned him into a delicious meal in his belly.

It won't take long for this woman to taste the fear she has tasted at night and the taste of being a wild cat.

That must be very interesting, very interesting!

Shen Ning didn't notice the pattern made by Qianmianzi at all. After eating two snacks with relish, she handed the paper wrapper to Qianmianzi.

"Thousands of thousands, you also eat a few pads. We are still half a day away from the next town. You can't last until that time without eating."

Thousand-faced son is afraid to cause her suspicion, thinking that anyway, taking this nepeta powder alone will have no effect. As long as they are not stained with catnip, those wild cats will not attack themselves.

So he took the snack and ate it with confidence.

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