Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1635: Seen through

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"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Shen Ninglian sneezed twice, rubbed his nose, frowned, and said, "No!"

Qianmianzi couldn't help but looked up at her: "What's wrong?"

Shen Ning sniffed hard, her nose wrinkled more tightly: "I seem to smell catnip."

"Cat, cat?"

Thousand-faced man was surprised, and his speech was stuttered, and he had a bad thought. How did she find out?

The smell of catnip is only a little bit of mint smell. If it is not a person with a particularly sensitive sense of smell, it will not be noticed at all. Why is this girl's nose as sensitive as a cat and a dog!

Shen Ning said: "Catnip, a plant that attracts cats, cats like its taste the most, plus the cat's sense of smell is very keen, you can smell it from afar, if you add nepeta powder, then the cat The children will become crazy, yes, it is the smell of catnip, I have smelled it once, and there is absolutely nothing wrong! Strange, how can I smell of catnip on my body? This dress was obviously when I left the inn Just replaced it? "

She glanced suspiciously at the thousand-faced son.

Thousand-faced young man's heart almost jumped out of his cavity, evasively avoiding his eyes, and dared not look at her. At the same time, he grasped the reins involuntarily and made a good idea of ​​horse racing.

Although she can't do martial arts, he planted them under her hands one after another.

The girl was a baby all over her. He was planted under a silent device from her for the first time, and did not see her raise her hand to fire, but a large venom needle stung like a wasp He was unavoidable even on his body, and was instantly stung into a horse honeycomb.

The second time she took a weird thing in her hand, the thing was not big, but the power was not small at all, so that he could not find the north because of his seven and eight elements, completely lost the resistance, and was fed by this girl. Bone Dan, he lost his hard work for twenty years.

In addition, he learned from the leader of Zhaorong County that she also won an invincible snow silk jacket from the leader of Zhaorong County. At that time, the eyes of envy and jealousy all fell out.

Now he has lost his skill and can only start secretly.

If it is clear, he is definitely not the opponent of this girl. As long as she takes out the dark weapon that will catch fire, she will immediately stun him. The three souls are gone and the seven souls. The terrible taste he never wants to taste second. Times.

All his nerves were tense, as long as Shen Ning said that the person who poisoned himself was himself, he immediately ran and ran away from the girl quickly.

"Thousands of thousands, do you say that it was the innkeeper of the inn who was stealing into my room and sprinkled catnip on my clothes while I was taking care of you in your room?"


Thousand-faced Master froze for a moment, and then the heart hanging in his throat fell, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, it must be like this, that the shopkeeper's obvious is that he can't do anything, and he makes two plans. I didn't expect his heart to be so venomous. I knew he was so bad. We should really burn his black shop!" He hated Tossed the horse whip.

"This is just my guess. After all, I have n’t seen it with my own eyes. In this case, this dress ca n’t be worn. Even if there is no catmint powder, it will attract a large group of wild cats. The power of this catnip cannot be underestimated. , You are waiting for me here, I will change clothes behind that stone, and we will continue our journey. "

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