Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1682: Fa-rectification

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This way, although he was the second prince, he was restrained and suppressed by Chu Shaoyang everywhere, and he had suffocated his stomach for a long time. He was also a hot temperament straight character, and he would jump out a few words from time to time. Ironically Chu Shaoyang.

Chu Shaoyang didn't even hear these words from him, but when he put a tasteless fart, he didn't move a little.

That Pang Junshi quickly pulled the sleeves of Tuobazheng secretly, instructing him not to talk.

Tuobazheng said indifferently: "I'm not afraid of anything, I'm not scolding him, I'm scolding West Chu Coward!"

Chu Shaoyang was expressionless, his eyes coldly patrolling the city walls and gates, raising his hands.

"Go and see what happened to the other three doors," he ordered.

Shortly afterwards, the soldiers came back and reported: "King Qijun, the east, north, and west gates are the same as here. The gate is open, the moat bridge is down, and no figure is seen in the city."

Chu Shaoyang pondered silently, his eyes showing suspicion.

Tuobazheng threw the whip impatiently and shouted, "King Chu, what are you waiting for? The people in this city abandoned the city and fled. Let's hurry and enter the city!"

"Not to be reckless. As far as this king knows, the guardian of Yuezhou City is named Liu Chengyuan. He is brave and warlike. He is a brave and brave man. He is definitely not a coward and abandoning the city. Putting it down again is very likely to be an attempt to lure the enemy. We must not act rashly, so as not to fall prey on it, or observe again for a moment and send a whistle to the city to find out whether it is better. "

Chu Shaoyang shook his head and analyzed calmly.

Tuoba Zheng snorted in the nose, and his face was contemptuously proud: "King Chu, this Xichu man is as timid as a rat. They have obviously abandoned the city and fled, but you just said that this is a plan to lure the enemy. I think you just do n’t want to enter the city. Are you afraid that if we occupy the city of Yuezhou, it would be equivalent to taking down half of the mountains and rivers of Xichu? Is n’t it? You dare to say that you are not a criminal?

He shouted fiercely.

Hearing the words, Chu Shaoyang's face suddenly sank. He pulled out the spirit snake sword with a burst of sound, and the tip of the sword glowed like a white rainbow, flashing in front of Tuoba Zheng, and then quickly returned the sword to the sheath.

"Pingxi County Lord, please speak with your own weight! If there is one more sentence that insults the king, the king will never stop with you!" He said coldly.

Tuobazheng shouted: "You dangling a broken sword in front of the prince, are you trying to scare people? Tell you, you can scare others, but you can't scare the prince, the prince is not afraid ... "

The word "you" hadn't been exported, and his words came to an abrupt end.

Suddenly, he felt that his chest was chilling, and when he looked down, he saw that a large piece of clothing on his chest was missing, exposing the skin of his chest.

However, it turned out that Chu Shaoyang's sword had cut off the front of his chest without knowing it, but he didn't even notice it. If the sword penetrated a little, his heart would have been Chu Shao's heart. Yang Yan came out.

Tuobazheng's face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes could not help revealing a horrible look. Looking at Chu Shaoyang's eyes was like seeing a demon.

If he is talking about martial arts, he is not Chu Shaoyang ’s opponent at all. He is not as good as Chu Shaoyang in terms of his position in the army. The only thing he can rely on is his princehood. If Chu Shaoyang is really Xi Chu The spy who surrendered consciously did not care about whether he was a prince or not, and he had already put him to justice on the spot.

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