Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Your lord, please apologize to your lord. He is loyal to our South Vietnam. He led soldiers to the West Chu along the way. If it is not the lord, we can hit Yuezhou City so quickly!"

Master Pang saw that things were not good, and was busy doing peacemakers. He made a wink at Tuobazheng and asked him to admit his mistakes to Chu Shaoyang.

Although Tuobazheng was reckless, he was not a fool. Seeing that Chu Shaoyang was really angry, if he said something to stimulate him, in case he did n’t care, he really wanted his life. Revenge, you can't live if you die.

He thought that the elder husband would be able to flex and can extend it. Today, he temporarily confessed a mistake to him, wrote down the account first, and returned to the father emperor, and then told him to be cruel.

"King Chu, this prince said the wrong thing, don't worry about it."

Tuobazheng reluctantly said that although his words were wrong, his tone was still high.

It seemed that Chu Shaoyang didn't hear him at all. His eyes fell on the city wall, and he didn't move.

Tuoba Zheng saw that he didn't look at him, obviously he was extremely contemptuous, and he could not help but rushed upwards, shouting: "The prince apologizes to you, you are not deaf, but a bare city. What are you looking at! "

"Hush, Lord County, look, there are people on the wall!"

Pang Junshi thought carefully, he found Chu Shaoyang's expression was not right, he followed his eyes and looked at the city wall.

"Someone? Is the Xichu defending the army? Did these turtles finally show up?"

Tuobazheng's eyes showed contempt, and he looked inadvertently over the city wall. After only a glance, he felt a shock, and he couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and continued to look.

I saw above the wall, I don't know when a girl in white appeared.

Her misty veil was lifted by the wind, passing her fat face half-dark and half-dark. Although she was far away, she could not see her appearance, but she could also feel her extraordinary beauty. She stood at the head of the city gracefully, graceful and graceful, just like a fairy from the Nine Heavens suddenly came to the world.

The Nanyue Army besieged outside the South Gate said that there were also tens of thousands of soldiers, and suddenly became silent.

Everyone raised his head and looked at the girl in white above the city wall.

At sunset and evening, the evening glow rose in the west, and the faint glow of light shone on the white girl's face, hair, and clothes, making her like a luminous body.

Tens of thousands of eyes stared blankly at the girl in white, her heart beating involuntarily and violently. No matter who it was, at the first sight of the girl, her breath and volition were all taken away by her beautiful beauty Lien Zhan seemed to be fascinated by the girl's face, without making a half hiss.

On the huge battlefield, tens of thousands of horses were struggling, and the battle was on the verge, but everyone at this time had no killing in their hearts. They just wanted to look at the white girl in this way until his whole life.

Fairies like this, they haven't even dreamed of even dreaming. Today, they can see the fairy's face with their own eyes, and this life is not in vain!

"Who is this girl? Who is this girl? There will be such a beauty in the world! I ... I ... The prince wanted her, and the prince wanted her no matter who she was!"

Tuobazheng stared at the stunning young girl in a blink of an eye, only to feel that a heart was almost jumping out of the cavity, blood was rushing up, his eyes were drunk, and he muttered like crazy.

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