Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1806: No one believes

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Sooner or later, the uncle will find that he has deceived him, how he will be angry and how to punish himself, no matter what, he will not regret it!

Just save her!

Shen Ning couldn't help whispering in his heart: Did this little white-eyed wolf really turn around and didn't want his own life?

But looking at his expression is not like falsification. If he is acting now, it means that his acting skills are too good. Even the eyes of her micro-expression expert can't see any flaws.

"Aunt, I will continue to cover your eyes, and I will be at the foot of the mountain in another hour. You must remember what I said."

Thousand-faced boy covered her eyes with the black scarf again, and then turned out of the carriage.

Soon, the carriage drove up at an unprecedented speed.

He had made up his mind that he would deceive his righteous father rather than harm her. He must send her out of the Zixiao Pavilion in peace.

Shen Ning was sitting in the car, her thoughts were ups and downs, her eyes were invisible, but she seemed to see something in her heart, but she was not willing to think deeply.

Anyway, no matter whether the little white-eyed wolf is true or fake, he first pretended to forget everything as he said.

The carriage began to slow down and then stopped.

"Young Master!" Someone greeted the thousand-faced son outside.

Shen Ning knew that she had gone down the mountain now. She lay in the carriage, closed her eyes, and pretended to be a mature sleeper.

"Please get out, Master."

Thousand-faced son with a cold face, did not look at the man at a glance, said coldly: "I am going down the mountain on the order of the patriarch, do you dare to stop me?"

The man bowed, "Don't blame the young master, it's the order of the master of the cabinet."

"Nonsense, I have the patriarch's Zi Xiaoling here!" The son of Qianmian flipped his palm, revealing a token.

This Zixiao makes it equal to the presence of the patriarch in the Zixiao Pavilion. It can be said that holding this token can be unimpeded. It is better than his little master's face. He took advantage of the pavilion of the Zixiao pavilion. in case the emergency.

I don't know how to do it this time.

The man looked at Zi Xiaoling, and still kept a respectful expression on his face, but said: "Young Master, the Lord, he invites you to come."

"What are you talking about? My father-in-law is still on the mountain, how could he be here!"

"The subordinates did not dare to deceive the young master, he was waiting in front of the cabinet master." The man continued to answer respectfully.

Thousand-faced son suddenly felt a shock, he looked back at the carriage, his eyes showing the look of despair.

What he was most worried about finally happened.

If only the disciples in the cabinet were responsible for the investigation, maybe they could still be confused, but if the righteous father came out, how could he hide his eyes? That is simply impossible!

He and the disciples in black answered Shen Shen clearly in the carriage. She opened her eyes and could not help but scolded her heart.

What a cunning old fox, it turned out that he deliberately let the son of Thousand Faces send him away, but it was just an attempt to make a fortune! He didn't plan to let himself go from beginning to end, just wanted to take this opportunity to try Yoshiko.

He didn't believe anyone at all, not even his own son who was raised by himself!

Qianmianzi naturally thought of this, and a heart sank instantly.

He gritted his teeth and waved to the black disciple, beckoning him to retreat, then jumped off the carriage and walked slowly in the direction the disciple pointed.

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