Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1807: Thorn river

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"Wait a minute!"

Shen Ning suddenly lifted the car curtain and followed him off the carriage.

Thousand-faced son's face was cold, an arrow step rushed over, stopped in front of her, and whispered: "What are you going to do? Go up, don't forget what I said to you!"

He still had a glimmer of hope, hoping to hide his uncle.

But Shen Ning knew that since the Lord Xiaoxiao appeared here, he certainly could not hide it.

She did not intend to hide.

Because just now, she already had a decision.

"Qianqian, do you remember a condition you promised me?"

She stared at the thousand-faced son.

Qianmianzi nodded and said anxiously: "Of course I remember, but now it is not the time to say this, you quickly get on the car and pretend to be comatose, hoping that I can hide my righteous father ..."

"Don't deceive yourself again, you know you can't hide it." Shen Ning shook his head.

"Anyway, always try it." He was so anxious that the sweat on his forehead came out.

"Qianqian, do you remember once you promised me to do something for me." Shen Ning said calmly.

"What's the matter? You know, whatever you say, I will do it for you! Even if I die for you, I will not hesitate!" Thousand-faced son blurted out in excitement.

Shen Ning was shocked and looked at him with incredible eyes, but she quickly calmed down.

She rolled up her sleeves, showing her arms as white as jade.

Thousand-faced son hurriedly turned his eyes, not daring to look directly: "You, what are you going to do?"

Shen Ning didn't answer. She pulled out a hairpin from her head and pierced it slowly and firmly on the left arm with the sharp hairpin.

Blood quickly poured out, staining her half sleeve.

Thousand-faced son turned around and saw this scene, exclaimed suddenly, rushed over to grab her wrist, shouted: "Are you crazy! What are you doing!"

Shen Ning coldly said: "Release!"

He let go of his hand involuntarily, watching her stab her hair with hairpins finely, one stroke after another.

A word "chuan" appeared on her arm.

"You ... what do you mean?" His face was pale, his eyes full of regret and confusion.

Shen Ning tears off his sleeves and bandages the wound, raising his chin.

"Let's go, let's see your righteous father."

She walked forward.

Thousand-faced Master was in a hurry, and an arrow struck her in front, shouting: "You know my righteous father will not let you go, are you going to die?"

Shen Ning said calmly: "If I don't see him, do you think he will let me go?"

The thousand-faced son was speechless.

Shen Ning smiled slightly and said quietly: "I will not let myself die like this, because I promised him that I will accompany him in this life. If I die, he will feel lonely and lonely, so, In any case, I will survive. "

After she finished, she walked around the thousand-faced son.

Thousand-faced son was anxious and helpless, so he had to follow behind her and turned a corner. A pavilion suddenly appeared in front of him. The Lord Zixiao was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at Shen Ning and Thousand-faced son steplessly Into.

"Uncle, I didn't expect that you would personally send me down the mountain. It was really an honor for me."

Shen Ning walked into the pavilion and smiled indifferently at the owner of Zixiao Pavilion.

From the moment when Zixiao Pavilion saw her, her eyes were sinking, staring coldly at Thousand-faced Master, instantaneously.

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