Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3151: Who poisoned it?

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"His Royal Highness, you can't die. I've cured your narcolepsy. Well, to be precise, the poison in your body has been expelled by me, and it won't happen again in the future." .

Qi Yanyu's heart fell into his stomach.

But then, he opened his eyes again and cried, "Poison? What poison? Do you mean that I am poisoned? Isn't it a narcolepsy?"

Shen Ning did not answer the question: "Your narcolepsy did not come from a young age, but came later, right?"

"Huh, how do you know?"

Qi Yanyu's eyes widened, "Have you ever asked me?"

"I don't have that effort, let alone that thought." Shen Ning's expression faintly made Qi Yanyu feel uncomfortable again.

"Then how do you know?"

"See it."

"See it?"

Not only Qi Yanyu, but Tana also stared at her with wide eyes.

Qi Yanyu couldn't help laughing: "Is it written on my face?"

Shen Ning looked at his face and said, "It's your face that shows the cause."

"What's the cause?" Qi Yanyu's heart tightened again.

"Before I came, you had been sleeping for three days and three nights. If ordinary people slept like this, the white of your eyes will be clear and transparent after waking up, but your white eyes will be covered with bloodshot eyes and dark circles around your eyes. Yin Tang was blue, and there was still a scent on her body ... Um, unpleasant smell, these are abnormal, don't you think? "

Shen Ning's words made Qi Yanyu's face hot again.

After he woke up, he did not feel that his body smelled good, and it smelled like a sour pickled fish that had been fermented in the jar for a long time.

So he not only washed his face and shaved his beard, but also took a bath at the fastest speed in his life, to see him refreshingly and cleanly.

Listening to her at this moment, he also felt that his body smelled strange.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"This is the phenomenon that the toxic substances in your body are discharged out of your body along your pores, so your prince does not have to worry about going to sleep in the future. You are not suffering from a disease, but a chronic poison. This poison is not fatal, but it will lurch in your body. Whenever the poison strikes, you will be sleepy and then you will not sleep. "

Qi Yanyu's face suddenly sank, and he now has 100% confidence in Shen Ning's words.

"Who poisoned me?" He said in a deep voice, clenching his fists hard, his eyes showing resentment.

He always thought he was suffering from a strange disease, but he didn't expect it to be a poison. He was poisoned and insulted, but he was kept in the dark.

who is it! Who is it!

Tana was also taken aback, grabbed Shen Ning's hand and asked, "Sister Ning, you read it right? My brother, is he really poisoned? But, but who will harm him? I Brother's skill is so great, who can get his poison? "

Shen Ning squinted Qi Yanyu: "This question still has to ask His Royal Highness himself. There is no enemy in His Royal Highness. No one knows better than himself, but I think this poisoned person does not necessarily want to kill His Highness Otherwise, as long as he increases the medicinal properties, His Royal Highness will never survive this time. "

"What! If the medicinal properties were increased, the Prince would have died long ago?"

Qi Yanyu jumped up at once.

"I said that the poison in your body is not fatal, it will only make you fall asleep, the poisoned person is very decent, and the medicinal properties are very precise, this is the ability ..."

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