Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3152: Brainless cock

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Shen Ning did not go on, because when she said this, she suddenly had a strange idea in her heart.

This poisoning technique is extremely brilliant, almost comparable to his master's medicine.

Qi Yanyu took a big step and walked around the room, grabbing his hair while walking, and grabbing the neatly groomed black hair like a fluffy henhouse.

"Who is it? Who is it? Who poisoned the prince? Who offended the prince?"

Suddenly he stopped and looked at Tana.

Tana was frightened to take a step back and waved her hands: "No ... not me! Brother, not me!"

"Of course I know it's not you!" Qi Yanyu didn't have a good air: "How could you be poisoned by you! You said, would it be the second child? He has never been upset about me as the prince, and it's always okay to find itchy for me , It ’s him, it must be him! Wait until I go back and not kill him! "

"Second brother ... Isn't it? Second brother, he just likes to compete with you. He never thought of hurting you!" Tana changed her face first, then shook her head hard.

"You are not a worm in the belly of your second son, how can you know his thoughts! Well, I think it is him, he wants to sit in the position of the prince? Well, I will let him sit back when I go back, I hit his **** Flowering! "Qi Yanyu gritted her teeth bitterly.

Shen Ning didn't speak. She didn't know who the second child was in Qi Yanyu's mouth, but guessed it, it should be his younger brother.

In the royal family, where there is still family, in order to compete for power, fratricidal things are everywhere, since ancient times.

If it was really his brother's poisoning, Shen Ning was not surprised at all.

"No, it won't be the second one. The second one is a no-brainer. If he wants to cut me with a knife, is it possible to poison him? Does he have that ability!"

Soon, Qi Yanyu shook her head and denied it.

He thought his head was about to explode, or he couldn't think of a clue. Tana also helped him guess several people, but he shook his head.

"No guessing, no guessing, guessing a headache, no matter who he wants to harm Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is not afraid! Lao Tzu has a condensed girl and is afraid that someone will poison Lao Tzu!"

Qi Yanyu shot his thigh suddenly, as if figured it out, and immediately left that big problem behind his head.

Chasing the wind couldn't help but glared at him fiercely.

What his cursed girl! That is clearly their queen empress!

"Ning girl, if I were poisoned again, would you save me or not?" Qi Yanyu looked at Shen Ning with his eyes.

Shen Ning said lightly: "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Qi Yanyu's eyebrows jumped sharply, and his face was fierce. "Why didn't I know?"

He was obviously angry.

"Healing you this time is not because you are the prince of the Northern Qi Kingdom, but because of Tana's reason." Shen Ning told the truth.

"You treated me for Tana?" Qi Yanyu stared at her, looking incredible. "You don't know who Tana is? She likes your husband! She will soon take your place, you actually Do n’t hate her? Do n’t be jealous of her? Do you still help her? ”

Shen Ning also showed an incredible expression and asked, "Why should I hate her and be jealous of her? Why can't she help her? Just because she likes the man I like? I will hate her, hurt her, and be jealous of her? The man I like is also what I like, indicating that she is as visionary as I am, and I am too happy to be too late. "

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