Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3505: Warm brilliance

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The sound was like a magic spell, which made her stop for a moment.

She stopped so quickly that she almost fell forward.

There was a force behind him, very cold, but gave her a timely pull.

She stood firm, but did not look back, holding Shen Ling'er, gasping for breath.

"Do you know now? When you are in a restaurant, why do you have the courage to stare at me bravely?"

The cold, mellow voice of the man in purple clothes rang from behind her.

The distance will not exceed one meter.

Shen Rumei felt that his entire back became extremely stiff, and his neck seemed more immobile.

She told herself to run faster and faster, but her feet seemed to be rooted and she couldn't run in one step.

Slowly turning around, she faced the man in purple clothes face to face. His eyes were like a viper, staring at her face, making her feel numb.

She did not see that Arroyo.

Shen Ling'er hugged her neck, but looked at the man in purple clothes intently, Shui Lingling's big eyes did not blink.

"Father, he looks really good."

Fearing that the mother was angry, he put his lips close to Shen Rumei's ears, his voice was soft and glutinous, and his ears were sore and itchy.

But he listened to his voice again, and the man in purple also heard it well.

He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, the coldness in his eyes was pressing, his eyes moved away from Shen Rumei's face, and fell on Shen Ling'er's face, as if he had seen him for the first time.

The little doll is only four or five years old, born beautiful and lovely, with white and tender pink eyes and dark, bright and big eyes, just like a bright black gemstone, looking at herself without fear.

The man in purple clothes never likes children, but now, he seems to be firmly attracted by Shen Ling'er.

He looked at Shen Ling'er and felt more familiar as he looked more and couldn't help but startle.

"What's your name?" He asked.

Shen Ling'er's big eyes blinked, and crisply answered: "Shen Ling'er."


The man in Ziyi shocked and lost his voice: "You say it again!"

Shen Ling'er said it loudly again? "My name is Shen Ling'er!"

The voice is clear and crisp.

The murderousness in the eyes of the man in purple slowly disappeared, as if a slight smile appeared.

Although very shallow and light, he made his eyes clear and clear, as bright as crystal glass.

Shen Ling'er was fascinated and looked at Ziyi Man with a fascinating look, and Ziyi Man also looked at him.

A strange and weird atmosphere rose.

Shen Rumei looked at the man in Ziyi and Shen Ling'er again, and couldn't help but hug his son in his arms more tightly.

She will never allow anyone to fight Linger's idea!

"I still have something to do. Let's go first."

She hurried to confess a sentence, holding Linger and turned away.

Unexpectedly, the man in purple clothes did not catch up or stop her, but stood on the spot and followed her back with a thoughtful eye until she could no longer see it.

Shen Rumei returned to the medical hall, and his heart almost thumped out of his mouth.

Her tight nerves never let go.

At this moment, she actually had the idea of ​​leaving here immediately.

If it wasn't for detoxifying the white devil, she didn't want to stay longer.

"Huh, Xiaomei'er, why is your face so ugly, have you seen a ghost?" Qi Yanyu came out of the room. His neat and clean robe was covered with dust and wrinkles, and his beautiful face was also dirty. There are coal ash and charcoal ash, which makes him look funny.

But his eyes were clear and bright, with a warm glow.

Shen Ling'er smiled and rushed into his arms, shouting "Master!"

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