Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3506: Curse behind

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Qi Yanyu hugged him, kissed **** his small face, and rubbed his snowy pink face with his dirty face.

Shen Ling'er disliked the east and the west, but he still couldn't hide. He was stupefied with soot and turned into a little cat.

He burst into tears.

"Mother, the master bullied me, I don't want this master ..."

Qi Yanyu laughed and lifted him high.

"Repent now? It's late! You are already my apprentice of Qi Yanyu, haha! Let's go, Xiaoling'er, the master takes you to see my craftsmanship, assures you that your eyes are open, and you are convinced!"

He took Shen Ling'er out and walked to the door and suddenly turned back to look at Shen Rumei.

"Xiaomei'er, are you really okay?" His eyes showed genuine worry.

Shen Rumei smiled: "I'm fine, have you already designed it successfully? Go ahead and take him to see it."

She knew that Qi Yanyu would not let other people be present when she built the hidden weapon. Apart from Shen Ling'er, although she was curious, she did not plan to go with her.

Qi Yanyu laughed and took Shen Ling'er away.

He lived next to her, just across the wall from her.

Today, no patient came to the door, and Shen Ling'er was not there. Shen Rumei suddenly felt that his time was hard.

She didn't want to make the white devil antidote, but moved a ladder and climbed to the roof.

The afternoon sun was very warm, and a large piece of herbal medicine was dried on the roof. She was lying in the middle of the herbal medicine, breathing the breath of herbal medicine.

The sun shone on him, warm and bright, just a little dazzling.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the rare leisure time and beautiful sunbathing.

Until a huge shadow enveloped her head and blocked the warm sunlight.

She opened her eyes and saw that the fierce bird landed beside her with high toes. The tall bird blocked the light, and her mood suddenly became unhappy.

"you again!"

Bullying the fierce bird can't understand people, she pointed at the fierce bird and scolded:

"It's angry to see you like this stinky fart, you are so angry, you are a proud bird! One day, I will pluck your hair and cut you in half, half roasted, Half boiled and used to feed the wild dogs, ah, no wild dogs! "

The fierce bird couldn't understand it and turned her head to look at her, her small round eyes showing fierce light.

She continued to scold: "And your devil master, I curse him! I curse him for choking to eat, choking to drink water, walking to death, sleeping to death ..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard a cold voice behind me.

"Just want me to die?"

She immediately petrified.

A cold wind blew across her neck, and a layer of goose bumps crawled up her back.

Cry without tears!

What happened to her today? First, she met the purple devil, and then the white devil came.

The two demons came together to torture her.

Is this still alive?

Suddenly she missed the happy days of taking Shen Linger freely and freely on the rivers and lakes.

Why is it gone forever?

She mourned in her heart, but slowly turned around.

It's a disaster.

It's a knife to shrink one's head and a knife to reach one's head. Since you can't hide it, face it bravely.

As soon as she turned around, she saw the devil in white.

He stood at the corner of the eaves, and the wind blew up his clothing corner, floating like a fairy, making the sterling silver mask on his face full of fairy spirits.

It's a pity that a pair of eyes were cold, staring at her face.

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