Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3513: Want his blood

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"Because I was highly toxic from the day I was born, the doctor said that I could not live for three days, but I still live to this day."

Shen Rumei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

I wanted to ask, but didn't ask for the exit.

"I was taken away as soon as I was born, and then I started taking medicines, all kinds of medicines. I grew up taking medicines when I was a baby, until I was fourteen years old. I know, what I drink from childhood to big is not medicine, but poison! All kinds of poison! These poisons have taken root in my body, flowing in my blood, and they have long been inseparable from me! "

She was shocked and looked at him incredulously.

He has been poisoned since he was a baby. Who is so brutal and has poisoned a small baby?

But the baby is so delicate that he was fed poison but did not die?

Is it because he is already highly toxic in his body, he will use poison to attack the virus?

"I was raised in the mountains since I was a child. I have never seen anyone other than the one who raised me. At the age of fourteen, I was attacked by a cheetah. It bite on my shoulder, hard I bite off a piece of flesh, I thought I was going to die, but I did n’t expect that it was the cheetah. It ate my flesh and drank my blood, and then it was poisoned by my flesh and blood. died."

"Since then, I have known that all the medicines I drink from childhood are all poisonous! The people who raised me did not want to save me at all, but regarded me as a drug tester. He likes to make drugs. Every time a new poison is made, it will be used on me. Those poisons ... all kinds of poisons ... all kinds of strange things ... "

The voice of the devil in white gradually fell.

Shen Rumei suddenly shivered cleverly.

Although he did not mention the pain after the poison, but she knew that the pain and torture was absolutely very human tolerable.

No wonder he became cruel and ruthless, the blood in his body seemed to be cold, without a trace of warmth.

If she moves away with him, she may become a cold-blooded animal like him.

The devil in white didn't speak anymore. He just looked up at the sky until Xiao Se whited the night sky.

The sun gradually rose.

The scenery is magnificent.

Shen Rumei was touched, and the hard shell on his heart softened unconsciously.

She suddenly said: "I will heal you."

As soon as she spoke, she felt puzzled herself.

But she has no regrets.

"Let's go."

As if the devil in white didn't hear her at all, with a whistle, Hai Dongqing spread her huge wings and fell beside him.

He picked her up and threw it on the back of the bird.

She knew he was letting the fierce bird send himself back.

The fierce bird can only fly by carrying a person.

"Wait a minute," she cried.

"What else?"

"I want to ask you for something."


"Your blood." She said quickly: "Just a little bit."

"My blood?" The devil in white froze for a moment before nodding. "Okay."

He promised to be so happy, and made her stunned, but the devil in white quickly said: "It is not difficult to ask for my blood, but you have to exchange for something."


"I haven't thought of anything yet, but when I think about it, I'll pick it up myself." The devil in white said coldly.

Shen Rumei regretted it all at once.

"You just treat me as I said nothing."


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