Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3514: Fatal weakness

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Shen Rumei gritted his teeth: "I will never allow you to hurt Linger."

"I am not interested in your son."

"Okay, if you don't hurt my son, I will give you whatever you want."

"You come to take blood." He sneered.

Shen Rumei nodded, took out the silver needle and the small gourd, stabbed him a few drops of bright red blood, and dripped into the gourd: "Enough."

The devil in white said lightly: "Do you want to use my blood to deal with the man who threatens you?"


She hooked her lips, knowing that he could not be concealed, and admitted.

"You are very smart."

She smiled bitterly: "I'd rather be stupid myself, because smart people always don't live long."

"Relax, as long as this seat is alive, you won't die." The white devil stared at her, "but I have a hunch, you are afraid to be a cocoon this time, if you are afraid, but beg this seat, I will save you one Life."

"No!" She didn't want to refuse.

"Aren't you afraid of dying?"

"I'm afraid of death, but I won't let myself die." She laughed, "I'm not a greedy person who is afraid of death hiding behind others and letting others resist the storm for me. I will bear the consequences for what I do."

The devil in white voice is low: "This seat gives you a chance to regret."

"I have no regrets," she said firmly.

He looked at her for a long time: "Well, whatever you want."

After a pause, he said again: "I'm going to leave for a few days and hope that when I come back, I can still see you alive."

Shen Rumei knew what he meant and nodded: "It will be as you wish."

The white devil stopped talking and made a gesture. Haidong Qing suddenly rose into the air and carried her to the sky.

She looked at him from mid-air and became smaller and smaller, and smiled slightly.

"The mountains are high and the water is long. There will be a period in the future. If there is no period in the future, don't worry about me. You should never know it."

Her muttered whispers were quickly blown away by the wind.

Back in the small town, she immediately drilled into her small medical hall and began to tinker.

In order to protect herself, she had to make some precautions.

The man in purple is like a time bomb, not necessarily when it will explode, he is different from the white devil.

The devil in white will not kill her, but the man in purple is moody. He can kill without any reason.

Shen Rumei knew that it was not easy to deal with men in purple clothes, but he had a fatal weakness.


She can't sit still and must take the initiative to attack.

She had to complete the plan independently, and even Qi Yanyu was hiding in the drum.

She went to one of the biggest and best jewelry shops in the city, and asked the shopkeeper to take out the most expensive jewelry, and slowly picked and selected carefully.

The shopkeeper introduced it enthusiastically.

"This is the best one in our shop. It is decorated with eighteen pearls, each of which is the size of the pinky. If the girl wears it, she will make women all over the city envy ..."

He was boasting that the ceiling was falling and heard a voice behind him.

"I want this pearl hairpin."

A snow-white slender fiber hand grabbed Zhuchai from Shen Rumei's hand, and his tone was arrogant.

It is Arroyo.

Shen Rumei raised his eyebrows.

She came so fast.

A Ruoqi was so arrogant that he did not look at her, and said to the shopkeeper: "All the jewelry on this table, the girl needs it all, wrap it up for me."

The shopkeeper glanced at Shen Rumei, and when she saw her indecision, she said, "Yes, yes, but these jewelry require a lot of silver, I don't know if you are a girl ..."

Before he finished, Aruo threw him a purse.

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