Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3515: Not necessarily who died

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When the shopkeeper opened it, he immediately smiled.

"Enough is enough."

Inside is a small ingot of small gold ingots, even if he bought this jewelry shop is more than enough.

A Ruo looked at Shen Rumei provocatively.

Shen Rumei smiled.

She and Aru had only one side in the restaurant, and they didn't even say a word, but she instinctively realized that this Arao had great hostility towards herself.

Sure enough, she appeared in the jewelry shop shortly afterwards, and Aruo came.

"The jewelry here is all from the girl, and those who have no money to buy it don't hurry up!" Aruo pointed at Sang and cursed Huai Road.

Shen Rumei smiled and said slowly: "If a person looks ugly, even wearing more and better-looking jewelry will not help, it will only make others laugh and be ugly."

She said as she walked out.

When Aruo heard it, he flushed with rage and rushed over to halt in front of her.

"Stop! Make it clear before you go, and you say who is ugly is more to do!"

Shen Rumei opened her eyes wide and looked at her in surprise: "Did I not say enough? Well, since you didn't hear clearly, I will say it again, girl Aruo, you look really ugly, especially you The two eyes are a pair of dead fish eyes! "

"What? Dare you call me a dead fisheye?"

A Ruo was going crazy.

She is most proud of her own eyes, because it is these eyes that the young master is most infatuated with.

The young master only kissed her eyes and touched nowhere else, so she knew that it was her own eyes that made the young master fascinated.

Nowadays, someone is pointing her nose and calling her a dead fish eye. How could she bear it?

She was shaking with anger and opened her fingers, grabbing Shen Rumei's face.

"Bitch, I will tear your mouth, I will scratch your face!"

She screamed fiercely.

Shen Rumei turned and ran, and ran fast. A Ruo followed, and he gritted his teeth and scolded while chasing.

The two ran further and further away, and then ran into a quiet alley.

Shen Rumei stopped and looked back at A Ruoxiao.

"You're fooled," she said.

Aruo looked around and found that no one was in ambush, and she dismissed her lips disdainfully.

"You are dead," Aruo said.

"Who's dead is not necessarily." Shen Rumei smiled with confidence.

"Less nonsense, I must kill you today!"

A Ruo rushed at her again, and there was already a dazzling dagger in his hand.

A Ruo can't do martial arts, neither can Shen Rumei.

But when her hand was raised, Aruo fell to the ground softly, her hands and feet were sore and weak, and she stared at her with horror.

Shen Rumei picked up her dagger that fell to the ground and patted on A Ruo's cheek, A Ruo immediately showed a look of horror.

"Are you afraid of scratching your face?" Shen Rumei squatted down and looked at A Ruo with a smile, his expression like seeing a lamb to be slaughtered.

Aruo shouted sharply: "Dare you move me!"

"Why don't I dare?"

A Ruo didn't know what he thought of, and the look of fear swept away, showing a vicious expression.

"As long as you dare to move me a hair, my master will never let you go!"

"Really?" She smiled casually.

A Ruo sneered: "The acquaintance will let me go, otherwise, you will die very, very miserably!"

Shen Rumei said: "Really? What if I'm a little scared?"

"Huh, now I'm afraid? Late!" Aruo shouted.

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