Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3612: Three days around the beam

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As soon as she saw the blue beard dregs on their greased and lipstick faces, she felt goose bumps.

But Qi Yanyu saw these two little children named Chunhong and Liulu, but they both squinted with joy.

"Mr. Qi, what kind of music do you want to listen to today?" A little sneered at Yanyu.

"Just sing your best."

One of them was holding the pipa in his arms, the string was gently stroked, and suddenly a string of beautiful notes flowed like flowing water, making Shen Ning feel his ears light up.

After the pipa sounded, after Dingding Dongdong passed the door, another Xiaoyu began to sing.

The song was ethereal and beautiful, like a sound of nature.

Shen Ning was unconsciously attracted by the beautiful singing, but felt that a string in the bottom of her heart was touched and her eyes were slightly moist.

After a song was sung, the remnant sounded around the beam for a long time.

The room was silent.

After a while, Shen Ning let out a soft breath and whispered: "It's really nice."

Qi Yanyu gave her a "No Come Come" look.

She nodded with a smile, took out the silver ticket and gave it to the two little children.

"thank you all."

She said sincerely.

The beautiful and beautiful song has a healing function. This piece of music makes her knot somewhere in her heart seem to open a corner.

The little girl thanked the reward and retreated.

Only Qi Yanyu and Shen Ning were left in the room.

"Let's go." Qi Yanyu pulled her out of the door and saw her face with unexplained meaning, laughing: "Did you listen enough?"

Shen Ning nodded.

"Let's listen then, the rule here is that each guest can only listen to one piece of music."

"There is only one?" Shen Ning wondered.

"Of course, what are you doing here, Qinlou Chuguan!" Qi Yanyu white glanced at her.

She murmured in her heart: Isn't it?

As if guessing the thought in her heart, Qi Yanyu patted her head angrily.

"Your girl must have thought of this place as a dirty place. I tell you that the people here are all singing and not selling, and they are not rich enough to hear them singing. If you did n’t follow me, you would n’t be able to enter! "

Shen Ning nodded, knowing that he was telling the truth.

Her ears seemed to echo the beautiful song.

Qi Yan looked at her and saw her eyes flow, like she was dripping water, and her heart suddenly moved.

"Brow girl." He whispered, feeling his heart beating faster.

If she could look at him with such eyes, he would sing to her every day.

Shen Ning recovered.

"What's the matter?" When she looked at him, the blur in her eyes became clear immediately.

Qi Yanyu knew that even a fool, the person she thought of at that moment would never be herself.

He was angry, annoyed and helpless.

"Let's go, I will take you to a place again." Qi Yanyu pulled her up and stopped a carriage, throwing a piece of gold to the driver, and whip the car out of the city gate.

Shen Ning didn't ask him where he would take himself, but just sat in the car, raised the curtain of the car window, and enjoyed the scenery on both sides.

But soon her eyelids began to fight.

After rushing for many days, she just came to the capital city of Beiqi, but she didn't even take a rest. She closed her eyes unconsciously and quickly fell asleep.

She didn't even know when the carriage stopped.

Qi Yanyu did not disturb her, he sat beside her, quietly watching her sleeping face.

Her eyelashes are long and curled, as thick as two rows of small fans, and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, as if smiling.

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