Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3613: I'm afraid she won't forget

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Suddenly, her long eyelashes blinked, opened her eyes, and looked at him.

"Lazy girl, are you a pig? Can you really sleep!" Qi Yanyu suddenly blushed somehow. To hide something, he jumped up and lifted the curtain.

Shen Ning didn't have time to wonder why he blushed, and was shocked by the scenery in front of him.

It was an endless blue sea!

The white cloud is reflected in the clear blue sea, as beautiful as a painting.

Since coming to ancient times, she has never seen the sea.

She jumped off the carriage with surprise and ran to the beach, but soon a gust of wind rolled up beside her, and Qi Yanyu had quickly surpassed her.

"Come on, let's play!" He cried loudly.

Shen Ning was also agitated with a sense of vigor: "If you have the ability, don't use light work."

"Okay, don't use it if you don't need it."

The two chased and ran on the beach by the sea like children.

Later, Shen Ning was lying on the beach so tired that he was reluctant to move his finger.

The soft sand was hot and warm by the sun, and it was comfortable to lie on.

She closed her eyes and almost fell asleep again.

Qi Yanyu lay on her side with her arms on her side, looking at her momentarily, smiling with a white tooth.

"Do you like it here?"

"Like." She closed her eyes.

"Marry you, you can stay forever."

Shen Ning smiled and still didn't open her eyes. She said lazily: "If you don't marry you, I can stay forever."

Qi Yanyu was choked again.

But he was used to it, and soon his smile bloomed on his face again.

Shen Ning's perseverance towards him was really temperless.

Fortunately, after Qi Yanyu mentioned this time, she didn't repeat the old words for a long time. I just took them to travel around Beijing every day, eat and play well, and took them to Xuefeng to hunt for ten days.

Shen Ning couldn't help but ask him: "Aren't you a prince? Being a prince can be so leisurely, go wherever you want? Your father and emperor don't care about you?"

She didn't see him enter the palace, and accompanied her almost every day.

Qi Yanyu said carelessly: "My prince's name is not true, and I don't want to be a prince, nor do I want to be an emperor. Someone cares more about this position than me. He is willing to let me, and I am willing to let, but my emperor, Lao Tzu Promise, I have no choice. "

Shen Ningqi said: "Who wants to be a prince?"

"Of course it is my good brother, the second prince of North Qi State." Qi Yanyu winked at her with a smile.

"Why don't you want to be a prince, don't you men want to be emperors?"

"I am different from them, and even different from your man, I am not a rare emperor!" Qi Yanyu burst out.

Then he saw Shen Ning's face change slightly, although he was still laughing, but the light in his eyes was obviously dimmed.

He suddenly regretted wanting to slap himself.

She finally smiled a little more recently, and she mentioned what the man did again!

Are you afraid she won't forget, always remind her?

He hurriedly looked at him, and suddenly pointed to the side: "Look what that is?"

Shen Ning looked in the direction he pointed, but only saw a piece of white, wondering: "Is it snow?"

"Haha, it's not snow, it's a bear!" Qi Yanyu smiled smugly, took a bow from behind, bent the bow and took an arrow, aiming at the target.

"White bear?" Shen Ning was surprised.

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