Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3635: Nothing happened

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Shen Ning closed her eyes, and she couldn't face Qi Yanyu's eyes, because she was guilty of dying.

But for Ling'er, she must do so.

"I'm sorry, Qi Yanyu, I'm sorry for you today, no matter how you revenge me or humiliate me in the future, I will bear it. I will pay for what I do to you today.

She finished talking softly, never looked at Qi Yanyu again, and walked across the door.

She passed the devil in white, her long skirt swaying, and peach blossoms all over the place.

It's so beautiful that people can't look away.

Qi Yanyu watched her moving figure leave her step by step, farther and farther away.

With his martial arts, he can stop her with just one step.

There is only one white devil, and even if he is strong, he can't take her away unharmed.

But Qi Yanyu didn't order to stop her.

Because of his self-esteem and his pride did not allow him to do so, if he used force to leave her, it would only be a disgrace.

Shen Ning walked to the door of Xitang. The fierce bird gathered its wings and looked at her with her small eyes tilting her neck.

She whispered: "Take me away."

As if she understood what she said, the ferocious bird lowered her head. She put her on the back of the bird, almost at the moment she just hugged the fierce bird's neck.


There was a burst of exclamation from the people present.

Almost everyone rushed to the door of Xitang and raised his face to see the sky.

In the midair, the huge sea sky blue stretched its wings, and a figure in red on her back became thinner and thinner, with red and black intertwined, giving a strong visual impact.

Her big red skirt fluttered in the air, but soon, Hai Dongqing took her farther and farther until she disappeared.

No one noticed when the white devil left.

Except Qi Yanyu.

But he said nothing.

In the hall of joy, there was silence.

All the people dare not show up, even dare to move, all worried, fearing that the new emperor will explode with thunder.

Many of them regretted why they came to participate in this wedding feast today.

The new emperor was furious and might kill all of them.

When everyone was uneasy, they heard the loud laughter of the new emperor.

what happened?

Is the new emperor mad with excitement?

People looked at the past in a daze and saw Qi Yanyu in a glamorous suit, with a smile on his face, and the laughter was extremely cheerful.

Everyone was puzzled and looked at each other, but no one dared to ask.

The old emperor spoke first.

"If you feel sick, go back and rest."

Qi Yanyu stopped the laughter, but his face was calm and indifferent.

"Father and emperor, the son is in good health, where is there discomfort? There are wine and vegetables here, what are you standing for, sit, eat, drink! If you don't eat these wines today, no one can leave.

He asked the palace people to greet the ministers.

The ministers were trembling and nervous, but they had to do nothing on their faces.



The crowd raised their glasses and couldn't think of any prayers, they could only start to drink vaguely.

Qi Yanyu also seemed to have nothing happened, wearing a red robe and sitting on his seat.

It was just that his eyes fell inadvertently on the empty seats around him, and a look flashed in his eyes that no one could understand.

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