Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3636: He succeeded

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He talked and laughed as usual, drinking and eating vegetables, and soon, the atmosphere in Xitang became lively.

The ministers put aside their tremors and panicked, their plans were staggered, and their laughter was loud.

They were not stupid. They could see what the new emperor wanted to cover up. The best way to cover up now is to pretend that nothing has happened.

No big marriage, no queen, no bride.

There is nothing.

This was a feast in the palace, and everyone came to congratulate the new emperor on the throne.

The ministers quickly found a reason for going to the banquet for themselves, so the wedding banquet naturally became a celebration banquet, and many ministers were drunk and finally helped to go back.

Both the host and the host are happy, and they are all happy.


Shen Ning sat on the back of the fierce bird and hugged Hai Dongqing's neck tightly. There was a whispering wind in his ear. Looking down, everything became very small.

She didn't know where the fierce bird would take her, and she didn't care.

Because her consciousness has been blurred.

She even had a terrible thought.

If the fierce bird had a temper at this time, she would fall down ...

It was exactly a hundred.

But this thought just flashed through her heart, and soon she woke up and told herself that she could not die, that she still had Linger, Xiaoru, and Xiao Chuyao.

They are all the people she cares most about. If she dies, they will be sad, sad, and disappointed.

She dare not think of Qi Yanyu.

I dare not think about it at all.

The ferocious bird did not know how long it had flown, and finally landed on the ground.

Unsurprisingly, she saw the devil in white, he was dressed in plain clothes like snow, and the eyes behind the mask stared at her coldly.

She looked blank and unmoved, like a puppet.

He succeeded.

He let her live up to the best man in the world who treated her best, and humiliated him fiercely in front of everyone.

He made her guilty to hate suicide.

But she just owed him a life, but he let her repay in this way, is it too cruel!

She didn't dare to speak, she was afraid she would spit out blood as soon as she spoke.

The devil in white also didn't speak. In fact, he said more in Xitang than adding all the things she had said since she met.

He hired a carriage for her and a coachman, and he rode himself on Haidong Qing and roamed in the air.

Shen Ning didn't ask where the carriage was going. She just stayed in the carriage every day, except to eat is to sleep and to sleep is to eat.

One day, when the carriage stopped, she discovered that she had returned to a familiar town.

The white devil stopped the carriage in front of a house.

Shen Ning recognizes this, this is the hospital that she once opened.

She unconsciously got out of the carriage and walked in.

The once-familiar yard is now overgrown with weeds, and there are several herbs that she had planted in the corner, but because no one was watering, the herbs had already dried up and withered.

The room was empty, and a thick layer of ash accumulated on the table and the ground.

All the furnishings are exactly the same as when she left.

Obviously, no one has come in this house since she left.

After revisiting the place, Shen Ning couldn't tell what it was like.

She turned suddenly, facing the white devil behind her.

Although he came in quietly.

"Where is Ling'er, where is he?" She stared at him closely, unmasking the anger and disgust on her face.

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