Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3639: Her wedding dress

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She clasped the edges of the tub tightly with both hands, and closed her eyes, but whispered: "I will wash myself, you go out."

The devil in white looked at her quietly for a moment, released her hair, and then walked out without looking back.

She didn't hear the footsteps of the devil in white. She waited quietly for a while. When she opened her eyes, she was the only one in the room.

"Half column incense, if you haven't washed it out, I don't mind washing it for you personally."

Outside the door, the voice of the white devil rang again.

Shen Ning did not speak. She put all her emotions to the bottom of her heart, stood up from the bath tub, and slowly took off her soaked red wedding dress.

The wedding dress was gorgeous and abnormal, but it became very heavy after being soaked. She took off very hard, especially because she was very careful not to pull off the gold thread and silver beads carefully embroidered on it.

After taking off her wedding dress, she took a bath happily and waited until she was ready to come out of the tub before realizing that she had not changed her clothes.

But she soon saw an old suitcase next to the bath tub. When she opened it, there were actually several sets of women's clothing, all of which looked brand new.

Shen Ning felt weird. There was no such suitcase in her previous room. Where did this come from?

She lightly touched the lid of the suitcase, there was no dust.

Explain that this suitcase was just put here shortly.

Was the white devil specially prepared for her?

Shen Ning pursed her lips, she didn't believe that the white devil would be so kind, let alone he was so attentive, but she thought about it. During the period when she was seriously ill, the white devil had been taking care of her.

Although her consciousness was stuck in chaos at the time, when she recovered her mind, she did not realize that she was not dirty at all.

She was wearing clean and refreshing clothes, and her hair was soft and clean. It was not like a patient who was unconscious and had not bathed for many days.

Did he not only wash her hair but also bathed her at that time?

She doesn't believe it.

But there were only two of them at that time. If he didn't wash it, would she still wash herself in a coma?

When she thought that the white devil might have bathed herself, she felt a bit of shame and an inexplicable trouble.

She grabbed a set of clothes and put it on her body, and then found that the fabric of the clothes was not only soft and comfortable, but also very fit, just like she was tailor-made.

Even the color and style of the clothes are simple and simple, which she likes.

She stood there for a while, feeling that her brain was getting more and more insufficient.

At this moment, her stomach suddenly gurgled, and she realized that she hadn't eaten for a day and night.

She is hungry.

Walking out of the room, she saw the white devil at a glance.

He stood in the yard with his back to her. His plain clothes were white and snowy, and his dark hair was randomly draped behind him. The sunset in the sky was gorgeous and flaming, and his clothes were more like snow and hair like ink. .

The whole person seems to be a mortal mortal, as if he is a fairy, and there is no fireworks on his body.

Shen Ning knew what a cold, vicious, hard heart was wrapped under his fairy-like skin.

He was all over and under, not a bit human.

"Let's eat."

Hearing her footsteps, he didn't look back, he just said something casually, just like gossip.

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