Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3640: It's too bad

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Shen Ning didn't speak, but she already smelled the smell of the food and came out from the room next door.

She walked into the room and found the table clean and spotless.

There are four dishes and one soup on the table. The dishes are very simple. They all look like ordinary farm dishes.

Green vegetable tofu, eggplant stewed beans, scrambled eggs with spring onions, cold perilla, and a large pot of wild mushroom soup.

She was really hungry, sat down and started eating.

The first dish was held in her mouth, and before she could chew, her face changed, and then she spit it out unbearably.

She stared at the plate of scrambled eggs with green onions. It looked yellowish yellow, greenish green, and pleasing in color, but it was so salty that she thought that she had killed the saltmonger.

Not daring to touch the scallion egg again, she threw a bit of cold shiso in her mouth.

The next moment, her brows and eyes were all crumpled together.

acid! It's sour!

She really wanted to go out and ask the devil in white, who made these weird and unusual dishes.

"Why, it's not delicious?"

She just spit out the perilla sour in her mouth that she could make vinegar, and heard the voice of the white devil ringing at the door.

Shen Ning shook his head.

"It's not bad, but it's too unpalatable, and it's hard to swallow at all. Who made this dish? This cook can be laid off." She told the truth.

The devil in white clearly couldn't understand what it meant to be laid off, but he still understood what he said.

He didn't speak, but came over in silence, pulling all the dishes to the ground.

"Go and eat."

He took her to the most famous restaurant in the city. She had been to this restaurant and witnessed Chu Shaoyang blinding several people with chopsticks.

"Can I change home?" She stood at the door of the restaurant, a flash of disgust in her eyes.

So she reminded her of Chu Shaoyang's things she didn't want to see again.

The white devil glanced at her without asking her why, but took her into a restaurant next door.

The restaurant's Xiaoer brought the food and drink. Although the taste was not particularly delicious, Shen Ning felt that he had never had such a delicious meal compared with the four strange dishes.

She ate two bowls of rice, swept away all the dishes, and drank.

She didn't want to drink, she said she was drunk and relieved her worries, but she didn't want the white devil to see how she was drunk, let alone expose her weakness to him.

But she smelled the pungent aroma of wine, but she couldn't help it. After drinking a glass, she couldn't help but drink the second glass.

After a few glasses of wine, her consciousness began to become confused, all the pain became less painful, and she even laughed out loud.

She likes to laugh as soon as she gets drunk, and she likes to talk. No matter whether there is anyone on the opposite side, she can whisper non-stop.

The devil in white apparently never saw her drunk.

He sat there, watching her eat and drink, but he didn't move a chopstick dish.

Shen Ning smiled and gave him a glass of wine.

"Come, this wine tastes good, and you have a drink."

Drunk, she has more courage than the sky, and she ca n’t remember how terrible he is. She does n’t even remember who he is.

The devil in white was stunned. She had brought the glass to him, and her finger even touched the cold silver mask on his face.


He shouted coldly, his eyes shining like ice.

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