Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3804: diagnostic result

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She grabbed a few, but the more itchy, the more itchy she seemed to be covered with lice.

"Sister, you scratched me, my back tickled."

She couldn't bear itching and said to Shen Ruyun.

After Shen Ruyun grabbed her a few, she screamed louder.

"Itchy die, too itchy, don't scratch it, the more you tickle it."

Shen Ruyun felt weird and lifted her clothes to take a look. She was shocked.

I saw my sister's neck, chest, back ... a row of dense red pimples, large and large, made her feel numb.

"Ah, what's wrong? Are you allergic?"

Shen Ruyun remembered that her sister had grabbed her back just now, and she ran to wash her hands in fear, washing her several times.

When she returned, Chen Mingli was nervously asking her little daughter.

"Are you allergic to seafood? You just ate five shrimps. I told you not to eat so much!"

Aunt Liu's emerald shrimp was very delicious. Shen Ruotong was greedy and ate five prawns at once.

"It's impossible. I'm never allergic to seafood."

Chen Mingli thought so too. The youngest daughter's health has always been good and she has never been allergic. What is going on today?

At this moment, Shen Ning put down the book in his hand and reached out and grabbed it behind his neck.

"Aunt Chen, I also seem to be allergic."

Her voice is soft and weak.

Chen Mingli's mind is on the youngest daughter, and she doesn't even look at Shen Ning.

But Shen Qingshan immediately looked at her daughter's neck and saw a lot of small red bumps on it, and was surprised.

"Ming Li, come over and see what happened to Xiao Ning's neck?"

Chen Mingli had to take a look at the probe and startled. The little red pimple was exactly the same as the little girl's neck.

"What's going on? It must be that the food is not clean." She immediately thought of the dishes made by Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu couldn't help crying injustice.

"Madam, I have no problem with the dishes I made. You have eaten both my wife and my elder lady. Are you all okay?"

"Then what is going on!" Chen Mingli said sharply.

"Ma'am, it's really not my business?"

Shen Qingshan frowned, and immediately said: "What else is verbose, hurry to the hospital!"

"Old Shen, it's just allergies, there is no need to go to the hospital?" Chen Mingli jumped.

"You know what a fart, allergies can be big or small, if it's serious, it may kill you!"

Shen Qingshan glared at her with a sharp voice. He had personally seen alcohol allergies at the banquet feast. Almost no one could save him if he was sent to the hospital in time.

Chen Mingli was afraid when she heard it.

Shen Qingshan drove in person and sent Shen Ning and Shen Ruotong to the largest hospital in City D. Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun also went with them.

When he arrived at the hospital, he hung up the emergency department, and it was not long before Shen Ning and Shen Ruotong arrived.

The emergency doctor wearing a white coat examined the two and quickly made a diagnosis.

"It doesn't matter. It's allergic to clothing. Take some anti-allergy medicine. I'll prescribe another tube of ointment for you. It won't take long."

As soon as I heard that it was clothing allergy, Shen Ruotong shouted first.

"Why is it allergic to clothing? I'm wearing a Chanel skirt! Doctor, are you making a wrong diagnosis!"

The emergency doctor glanced at her, and then at the skirt on her body, and said: "In fact, clothing allergies are a very common phenomenon, and there are many causes of clothing allergies, such as the use of some inferior dyes. If you touch the skin without washing, it is easy to cause this allergy. I have diagnosed this symptom a lot and it will not be wrong. "

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