Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3805: Tricks revealed

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The more determined the doctor was, the more Chen Mingli felt terrified, and there was a feeling that something was wrong.

Shen Ruotong no longer refuted, the doctor's words were very authoritative, she immediately convinced.

"I rely on, what Chanel would actually use inferior dyes, it is fake and inferior! This broken skirt is actually more than 50,000, it is dead. Mom, you give me the invoice, I will find them tomorrow, They must be compensated for my loss! "She snorted.

Chen Mingli's heart twitched.

The invoice is another invoice!

Where did she change the invoice?

This is really afraid of coming if there is any bias.

Shen Qingshan was also very angry and said to Chen Mingli: "Tongtong makes sense, if it is really allergic to clothing caused by skirts, this matter can not be finished like this, you must ask them to compensate for the loss. In which shopping mall did you buy the Chanel, you have to complain, not only for a full refund, but also for compensation for both mental and economic losses! "

He was so angry, not angry.

Chen Mingli's face was pale, her throat was dry, and she was too nervous to speak.

She looked at her eldest daughter with help-seeking eyes and motioned for her to help her find a way.

Shen Ruyun lowered his head, thinking that this matter had reached the point where he could come up with a good way.

"Hurry up, which store is it, tomorrow I will let the secretary do this, not only to complain, but to expose them!" Shen Qingshan was more and more angry.

Chen Mingli shivered a little, and didn't dare to look at her husband, and said, "It's the biggest Zhongyang commercial building."

"Okay, you give me the invoice as soon as you get home. This is the strongest evidence."

Shen Qingshan turned to Shen Ruyun again: "You go to get medicine first, Xiao Ning, Tong Tong, you go home and change the skirt immediately, hum, Zhongyang Commercial Building actually did this kind of thing, deceiving consumers, I Look at the Chanel they sell is fake! It's deception! "

Shen Ruotong nodded vigorously: "Dad, you are right, we have to make this a big deal, or we will sell fake Chanel in China Commercial Plaza, or be a big bully at the Chanel store. Money will certainly compensate us for our losses. "

Chen Mingli wished to block the little daughter's mouth with a rag.

Why did I have such a stupid idiot, specializing in helping outsiders carry stones and hit their feet.

"Ming Li, what a stun you stand there. Let's go home and you will find the invoice immediately."

Shen Qingshan drove his wives and daughters home.

Along the way, the car was surprisingly quiet, only Chen Mingli's heavy and unstable breathing.

Chen Mingli kept pinching Shen Ruyun's hand sitting next to him, but Shen Ruyun pulled his hand back, and looked away from the window.

Entering the living room, Shen Qingshan urged Chen Mingli to get the invoice again.

Chen Mingli seemed to have a bitter gourd in his mouth, standing there motionless.

"Ming Li, what are you doing, didn't you hear me?"

Shen Qingshan glanced at Chen Mingli, her face was clearly dissatisfied, how could she not be so careless about this matter!

Chen Mingli swallowed and struggled a little: "Old Shen, I think Xiao Ning and Tong Tong's allergy is not necessarily a problem with the skirt. Chanel is a big shop, selling so many skirts, why are others not allergic, But they are allergic? Xiao Yun has bought Chanel too, she is fine, if we are so hurried to find the door, in case there are other reasons, this is not good? "

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