Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3823: But this time

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Mrs. Bo's opening, Chen Mingli was overjoyed.

She knew that Mrs. Bo recognized Shen Ruyun.

Shen Ruyun smiled like a flower and was held by Mrs. Bo. She lowered her head slightly. When Mrs. Bo asked a question, she answered it, which was polite and educated.

But what is Mrs. Bo, after a few common sayings, she will understand.

This girl is just beautiful in appearance, but in fact it is a big-headed straw bag.

But this was originally what she expected.

Just disappointed.

Forget it, as long as the future daughter-in-law is able to take out the door, the straw bale will be straw bales. As long as she does n’t speak, others ca n’t see it, not to mention that after her training, I believe she wo n’t How to lose Bojia's face.

Mrs. Bo was disappointed, but was still very satisfied with Shen Ruyun's obedient and obedient.

It is better not to be too smart and capable of marrying a daughter-in-law, otherwise she will be greatly discounted if she passes her mother-in-law.

Thinking of this, the more she looked at Shen Ruyun, the more pleasing to her eyes.

"Mo Yan, come, see your daughter-in-law who was engaged to you since childhood."

Mrs. Bo took Shen Ruyun's hand and brought her to Bo Moyan, with a smile on her lips.

Upon hearing this, Chen Mingli was almost as beautiful as a snot.

young married woman!

These three words are so beautiful. Mrs. Bo recognized her eldest daughter by heart.

In front of Chen Mingli, there was a golden sparkle, as if she had seen her eldest daughter wearing a white wedding dress and stepped on the red carpet under the eyes of everyone. The side of the red carpet was a golden palace, and the door of the Bo family opened to her.

My daughter is about to marry into a giant!

I am going to kiss Bo family soon!

From now on, I will no longer be the wife of the deputy director!

Just then, a door rang, interrupting Chen Mingli who was having a beautiful dream.

She looked back instinctively.

Shen Ning changed clothes and walked out of the room.

When she saw her, the smile on Chen Mingli's face disappeared for the most part. She almost stared at Shen Ning with a disgusted and disgusted look.

This **** girl, dying or not, just came out at this time, is it to stir her own good deeds?

Shen Qingshan had not spoken. He saw Chen Mingli voluntarily pushing his eldest daughter to Mrs. Bo and knew what his wife meant. He also acquiesced in this move.

Because this is what they said in advance.

But when he saw his second daughter, Shen Ning, he suddenly remembered his deceased wife, and he felt guilty.

This was the second daughter's grandfather's affair to Xiao Ning, but he replaced the eldest daughter with him. Isn't it too sorry for Xiao Ning and his deceased wife?

Thinking of this, he beckoned to Shen Ning.

"Xiao Ning, come here."

Hearing his words, both Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun's faces changed slightly.

Chen Mingli even made a chuckle in her heart. What does this mean for her husband?

At this moment, Bo Moyan suddenly turned around and strode out of the door.

This move surprised everyone, especially Chen Mingli.

Mrs. Bo smiled slightly and apologized: "Don't be surprised, he went out to answer the phone and will be back soon."


Why didn't they hear the ringtone?

Everyone was still puzzled, but no one wanted to refute, what Mrs. Bo said was what.

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