Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3824: Mrs. Bo is very upset

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Mrs. Bo seemed to see the confusion in the hearts of everyone, and then explained with a smile: "Their army uses a special way of contact."

It turns out so!

A big stone fell in the hearts of the people present.

Especially Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun, they were terrified just now, and they thought Bo Gongzi did not like Shen Ruyun.

Mrs. Bo's eyes turned to Shen Ning, with a slight confusion in her eyes.

"Who is this?"

She asked Shen Qingshan in a questioning tone.

"Ma'am, this is my second daughter, Shen Ning. In fact, it was her who ordered the doll from Bo Gongzi, not her eldest daughter Ru Yun."

Shen Qingshan gritted his teeth and said the truth.

Because he knew that this kind of thing could not be concealed at all, so he had to come out sooner or later. Instead of being discovered by Mrs. Bo afterwards, it would be better to pick it out first.

Anyway, the two daughters were in front of her, and Mrs. Bo could see whichever one he wanted.

Nothing was lost for him.

His words almost angered Chen Mingli's mother and daughter.

Shen Ruyun is still dreaming there. She was taken by Mrs. Bo to gossip and go home, her heart burst into bubbles, and she felt that she was about to marry into the door of the Bo family. It was like being poured into a pot of cold water.

Her hands suddenly became cold, and the smile on her face could hardly be held.

Chen Mingli even slurped her husband fiercely, wishing to cover her mouth with a rag.

I knew that this man was unreliable, still thinking about his ex-wife.

This fat at the mouth, will be ridiculed by other dogs, how can she be reconciled!

"Bo, Mrs. Bo, you, listen to my explanation ..."

Chen Mingli stammered, but Mrs. Bo raised her hand and interrupted her.

Mrs. Bo looked at Shen Ning, but she said to Shen Qingshan.

"Secretary Shen, do you say this is the key to getting married to Pei Mo Yan?"

There was a little displeasure in the voice.

Shen Qingshan nodded sternly and walked over to bring Shen Ning to Mrs. Bo.

"Xiaoning, hurry up and greet Madam."

Shen Ning's eyes flashed, and she said to Mrs. Bo, neither humble nor overbearing, "Hello Mrs."

When she came out of the room, she saw Mrs. Bo standing in the living room, and the tall man in military uniform standing behind her. Presumably it was Mr. Bo.

But before she could see her face clearly, Bo Moyan had already turned around and walked out.

Shen Ning did not like Madam Bo.

Do n’t look at Mrs. Bo looking noble and generous, but her eyes and brows show a high momentum, not even sitting. This gesture clearly shows that she looks down on the Shen family. The disdain and contempt do not need to be spoken with words.

For people who despise and disdain themselves, Shen Ning will naturally not have a good impression.

She further strengthened her original intention, and married the Bo family to become a daughter-in-law for such a person, it is by no means a good way out.

Shen Qingshan's words surprised Mrs. Bo. She had already recognized Shen Ruyun prematurely, but did not expect to kill Cheng Chengjin halfway, is this true?

She looked at Shen Ning sharply.

Shen Ning had replaced the light blue cheongsam and resumed her normal dress, because she was too thin, and her clothes and trousers seemed very fat, making her look extra thin.

It's just a pair of eyes that are very large, water and spirit, clear and transparent, as if they can penetrate the human heart.

She just looked at herself like that, her eyes and expression were not flattering, and she was not respectful.

This makes Mr. Bo very unhappy.

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