Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

On the surface, Mrs. Bo is distinguished and generous, and her attitude is relatively modest, but the high spirit in her bones can't be concealed.

She looked down on the Shen family in her heart.

If it weren't for the unreliable baby doll, she wouldn't come to D City from the city of thousands of miles to come to climb such a shabby family.

But this family matter was promised by Master Bo, even if she wanted to ruin her marriage, she had to give a decent reason.

Seeing Shen Ruyun, she felt barely acceptable.

Even if the girl is a bit of a family, but she is still pretty and tall and generous, as long as she adjusts and dresses herself, she won't lose her face too much.

But when Shen Ning was seen, Mrs. Bo was just a hundred of them.


His eyes are still so sharp!

The expression is arrogant and indifferent, at least there is no respect or politeness to the elders!

Chen Mingli calculated it accurately, and first pushed Shen Ruyun to Mrs. Bo, giving her a preconceived notion.

Compared with the fashionable and beautiful Shen Ruyun, Shen Ning does appear to be thin and thin, and looks malnourished.

Madam Bo instinctively disliked her.

The miserable face of this girl is not worthy of his son!

No, this family matter must not end.

Mrs. Bo immediately made a decision, and her face suddenly froze.

"Your name is Shen Ning? You are the girl who is engaged with my family Mo Yan?" The tone was unbearable.

As soon as she heard her, Chen Mingli was immediately happy, and Madam Bo did not take Shen Ning.

She squeezed her lips and said nothing, but the corner of her eyes gave her elder daughter a smug look.

Standing next to Ming's eldest daughter, Shen Ning, who was wearing a big old coat, was as unremarkable as a dog's tail grass.

It's strange that Mrs. Bo can see her.

Shen Qingshan giggled.

Mrs. Bo barely concealed her emotions. She suddenly looked up at the wall clock in the living room, which meant that she was ready to leave.

"It's not too early, so I won't bother ..."

She was about to say a polite word and say goodbye, Shen Ning stepped forward suddenly.

"Mrs. Bo, I have something to say."

"What's the matter?"

Mrs. Bo was still looking at the wall clock, her eyes were not swept to Shen Ning, and her face was obvious.

Shen Ning said unhurriedly: "Ma'am, I think it is a little playful to let two people who have never seen each other get married on the fingertips of the previous generation, so I think there is a heartlessness Please, I want to dissolve and order your son's marriage. "


Dissolution of marriage?

Mrs. Bo's impatient face showed a surprised expression.

She was finally looking at Shen Ning. This thin girl actually offered to disengage her noble and excellent son?

"You say it again?" She suspected that she had heard it wrong

Shen Ning said clearly: "I want to dissolve the marriage contract with my son."

Mrs. Bo stared at her for a while, her eyes and brows slowly exuded.

Not bad.

Someone just came to give a pillow just after dozing.

The little girl looks unflattering, but she is very interesting in speaking.

Chen Mingli's three mothers and daughters are all very happy.

They looked at Shen Ning with a look like a fool.

Such a good family matter, she actually took the initiative to say she wanted to retire.

What's not stupid?

Chen Mingli only felt that a big rock hanging over her heart finally fell to the ground.

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