Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3826: This wife did not marry in vain

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What she has always been worried about is that Shen Ning refused to retreat this family matter. Now it seems that this girl is still as stupid as before, and she is cruel and flattened by herself.

Pointing herself to the east, she would not dare to go west.

Yes, Not Bad.

Withdrawing from the family is only the first step. Next, she will try to uproot this girl from her husband's heart and drive her out of the house. She won't get any property from the Shen family.

Chen Mingli lowered her eyes, covering her pride, but persuaded her:

"Xiao Ning, this kind of thing is not a child's play. You have to think about it before making a decision."

Upon hearing this, Shen Ruyun was anxious, what happened to her mother.

She was afraid of Shen Ning's regret and said: "Mom, Xiao Ning is an adult. Since she proposed to retire, it must be the result of deliberate thoughts, so you should not persuade her."

Seeing the performance of the mother and daughter, Shen Ning ironically tickled her lower lip.

She hesitated deliberately: "Aunt Chen made sense, or should I consider it again?"

Upon hearing this, Shen Ruyun wanted to strangle her mother.

Chen Mingli even wanted to bite off her tongue.

Did you just get into your brain just now? Actually advise this girl to think again?

Suddenly, a cold voice rang.

"No need to think about it, this matter is decided in this way."

Mrs. Bo's white and delicate hands were gently waved and her tone was unquestionable.

She swept Shen Ning with the corner of her eyes: "Since you can't look down on our Bo family, our Bo family will not be difficult for the strong, so this marriage will stop."

When it's over, the marriage is about to be overwhelmed.

Shen Qingshan's face changed.

He brutally slashed Chen Mingli with a murderous look.

It's all the good things of this shallow-eyed woman who broke him!

Now Mrs. Bo turned her face to retire, how could he tell Mrs. Bo that he wanted to replace his second daughter with his daughter?

But he was embarrassed, Chen Mingli was embarrassed.

She always waited for this opportunity.

"Mrs. Bo, don't be angry. Withdrawing is a big deal. If you can't say that withdrawing, let's withdraw. Xiaoning, she hasn't seen your young master. Waiting for Bozi to come in, Xiaoning will see him I will like it. "

After Chen Mingli persuaded Mrs. Bo, she turned to Shen Ning again: "Xiao Ning, you see Bo Gong, Bo is really a talented person, handsome and extraordinary, if you retire like this, if you retire, you can't find the first Two. "

Shen Ning's sarcasm could not help but deepen.

This Chen Mingli was really afraid that he would not be able to withdraw his kiss, and stunned him again by pouring a pot of dirty water on himself.

What she said just now is to tell Mrs. Bo that she is a shallow man who looks at her face.

Sure enough, after Chen Mingli finished speaking, Mrs. Bo's face was even more ugly, and she was too lazy to even watch Shen Ning.

"Mrs. Shen, do you mean that Ling Ai is about to retire, and our Bo family has to beg her for it, is it?"

"Of course not, of course not." Chen Mingli quickly denied how she was willing to withdraw from the Bo family, "Mrs. Bo, you first get rid of it, Xiao Ning, she is not sensible, she doesn't speak the brain, this matter I will give her apologize."

She said good things again and again, and her humble attitude softened Mrs. Bo's stiff face a little.

Mrs. Bo finally sat down slowly on the sofa.

Shen Qingshan hated Chen Mingli just now, but at this time he praised Chen Mingli in his heart.

This wife did not marry in vain.

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