Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3827: This pro cannot be withdrawn!

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He understands that as long as Mrs. Bo sits down and listens to their explanation, there is still room for this matter to turn around.

However, as a deputy director, he was flattered by people on weekdays, and he couldn't do anything like asking Mrs. Bo to make a plea.

Because he still has a face.

But Chen Mingli is different. In order to let his daughter marry into the Bo family, what is the face?

She doesn't want it!

So Shen Qingshan just stood aside silently and gave this shameless thing to his wife.

Anyway, he has only one condition, and this family matter cannot be retreated anyway.

Mrs. Bo glanced coldly at Shen Ning, ignoring Pakistan's non-stop saying good things, Chen Mingli like a pug.

She opened the handbag, took out a jade card, and put it on the coffee table without expression.

"Ms. Shen Er, this was your father-in-law's token of order for my grandfather. My grandfather also gave your grandfather a token. In order to show respect for the elders, my family came to fulfill the promises they made. Since you do n’t want it, my Bo family will never force this marriage. The original jade brand will be returned. I also ask Miss Shen Er to return my Bo family ’s tokens.

Hearing that this was left by my grandfather, Shen Ning's eyes could not help but light up, and looked at the jade card.

The jade brand is warm and white, exuding a lustrous luster, with a small piece of primary color Piqin.

This is a good piece of Hetian seed jade.

Her eyes were irritated, and she remembered her dead grandfather.

Grandpa likes antiques, especially He Tianyu.

He always said that gentlemen are gentle like jade, soft and restrained, low-key and subtle, just like this Tian Tian jade, gentle and bright.

Since this grandfather took it out and made a betrothed to the Bo family, it must be of great value.

Shen Ning wants this piece of jade!

She doesn't care how much this piece of jade is worth. The meaning of this jade to her is far greater than its value.

This was the only thought left by her grandfather.

Thinking, she reached out to get the jade sign on the coffee table.

Suddenly, a graceful slender hand pressed on the jade card.

Mrs. Bo looked at her indifferently: "I want to take it away, yes, please ask Shen to return my Bo family's token first."

Shen Ning has never seen anything.

She looked up at Shen Qingshan: "Dad, are you keeping the Bo family's tokens? Please take them out and return them to Mrs. Bo."

Shen Qingshan was so anxious that the sweat on his forehead came out, and if the token was returned, the relatives of the two immediately blow out.

Can't pay it back!

"Xiao Ning, don't be fooling. This family matter was booked to you by your grandfather. How could you tell me to quit! I tell you clearly, I disagree!"

He raised his face and picked up the majesty of his father.

In fact, he didn't expect things to get to this point. Originally, he thought it was beautiful. It was a matter of pushing the boat to replace the second daughter with the eldest daughter, but unexpectedly, Shen Ning would bluntly propose to withdraw.

This pro cannot be withdrawn!

Can only be changed!

But he couldn't open this mouth again, so he had to wink at Chen Mingli.

Chen Mingli didn't want to leave her family either, she was busy with a smile on her face, and said to Mrs. Bo: "Don't take the child's words seriously, Xiao Ning is still young, she can't say anything, you are far away , We have prepared some wine and dishes to entertain you and Bossier, it ’s better to sit down and eat some food. It ’s just for you to catch the wind and dust. If we have anything, let ’s talk slowly. If the elders of the two have booked, is it possible for her junior to retire? "

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