Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3972: On the spot

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Chen Mingli was even more tense than her. A countryman entered the city and sweated in his palm, but his face was calm.

Shen Ning followed behind the two silently, as if quietly did not exist.

Chen Mingli's mother and daughter did forget her, and both of them were confused by this gorgeous and bright decoration.

Until the waiter led them to the entrance of the auction.

Here you need to show your invitation card, and then go through the security check to verify your identity before you can enter the auction house.

More stringent than airport security.

Chen Mingli became more nervous. She took out the two invitations from the bag and handed them to the staff at the door.

"I'm sorry, this lady can't enter without invitations."

After the staff carefully checked the invitation cards and the IDs of the three, they said politely.

The person he refers to is Shen Ning.

When Chen Mingli heard it, her expression was more excited than Shen Ning.

She pointed to the invitation and said, "Who said no, this invitation clearly has her name on it, why can't she enter?"

On the invitation, Shen Ning's name was added by her, which is very different from the hot gold Shen Ruyun.

The staff still smiled and said: "This lady, the invitations we sent are all printed names, which are handwritten and countless."

"Why not count? Isn't it all the same?"

Where is Chen Mingli willing to give up?

If Shen Ning didn't go to the auction, wouldn't she plan to come up with a plan she had racked her brains?

The staff was still good-tempered to explain.

The disputes of several people here have attracted the attention of those around them.

Shen Ruyun found that many people looked at him with strange eyes, and quickly took up the invitations in his hand, pretending to be fan-shaped, showing that he had invitations.

"Mom, don't talk about it, even if you don't let her in. Isn't it shameful enough? Everyone is watching us again. Let her go back, let's go in." She lowered her voice.


Chen Mingli was reluctant to come up with a plan she had come up with.

Shen Ning could remove the nail in Shen Ning's eyes, how could she be willing to give up.

It's just that she has done everything, and didn't expect that entering an auction would be more serious and trouble than going through security.

She shook her eyes at the young staff member with a shy expression and smiled: "Comrade, please trouble you. This auction is so big, it doesn't matter if you go in alone, is it?"

As he said, he leaned over and stuffed the young guy with a hundred dollars.

Seeing her mother's appearance, Shen Ruyun only felt that her face was hot, stomping her feet and turning her face.

She could not see her mother so shameful.

Where the staff was willing to pick up, but Chen Mingli had to put it in his hand, the whole person was almost stuck on him.

The young man flushed with embarrassment and wanted to push Chen Mingli away, but he didn't know where to push.

"Auntie, don't be like this, don't be like this ..." He sweated his forehead anxiously.

Chen Mingli was not happy when she heard it. She looked clearly in her early thirties. Why is this guy 20 years old, even calling herself aunt?

Is this kid blind?

"Who is your aunt? Who is your aunt! Do you think I'm that old? Are you blind, actually called me an aunt!" She asked the young man's nose straight.

The young man was embarrassed and embarrassed and turned to his companion for help.

After working in the club for so long, they were the first time they met such vulgar guests like Chen Mingli.

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