Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3973: Black invitation

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Shen Ruyun's face was red, and she also felt that her mother was really shameful.

"Mom, don't be noisy, let's go first." She pulled Chen Mingli's clothes.

But Chen Mingli threw her away and said fiercely: "Go into a fart! If he doesn't let Shen Ning go in, the old lady and he will never end!"

Shen Ruyun gritted her teeth with hatred, how could she have such a mother.

Shen Ning has been watching with cold eyes and a faint expression.

Although Chen Mingli blushed for her and the staff, she seemed to be defending her.

But the more this is, the more intriguing the purpose behind this becomes.

Chen Mingli and the staff pulled and pulled, and it has caused many people to look at it, and some people have already started to call the security of the club.

"Lady, our club is such a system. You can't enter without an invitation. If you still want to make trouble, we have to ask you to go out first to avoid harassing other guests.

The foreman of the staff heard the news and tried to dissuade Chen Mingli.

How do you know that Chen Mingli splashed, regardless of.

She doesn't care who the other person is.

"What do you mean? You want to chase me out? Why are you? The old lady has invitations, are you blind? Are you a little waiter, do you know that the customer is God? You drive God out, do you have this qualification? ? You said that I was harassing the guests, who I harassed, obviously your staff is harassing me! It is him, he just touched me! "

Chen Mingli shouted at the staff member who had just checked her invitation.

The young man shook his hands anxiously: "I don't, I don't, I haven't touched you with one finger!"

Seeing things getting bigger and bigger, Shen Ning finally had to come forward.

Although she really wanted to enter the auction, she would continue to make trouble like this, and no one's face would look good.

At this moment, a slender hand stretched out and stood in front of her.

The man's hand held a black bronzing invitation.

"Who says she has no invitation, this is Miss Shen Ning's invitation!"

The voice was cold and hard, slightly deep, with a domineering domineering.

Hearing this sound, Shen Ning only felt a stiff back.

Without looking back, she also guessed who was coming.

Fu Shaobei!

Why is he here too?

Black suit, light blue shirt, no tie, noble and casual.

Black hair, cold and proud temperament.

He was like a lonely prince, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"Who is he?"

Someone whispered.

"It seems to be ..." Someone seemed to recognize him, his voice inaudible.

Peng Junkai took out another black invitation and handed it to the foreman.

Upon seeing this invitation, the foreman's expression immediately became very respectful.

Although all the high-end people with heads and faces are participating in the auction, the identity of the person who may receive the black invitation is all extraordinary.

Very few.

He suddenly saw two black invitations.

The foreman looked up at Fu Shaobei and Shen Ning, and found that he didn't know any of them, and he was immediately ashamed.

After receiving this black invitation, the two are so young, what is their identity?

He dare not ask, respectfully said:

"Mr. Fu, please come in. Miss Shen, please come in."

He personally sent Fu Shaobei and Shen Ning into the venue, and even the security check was useless.

Seeing this scene, the mouths of Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun were all wide open, and their jaws almost fell off.

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