Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 863: Opportunity to show one's face

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The girl in the green dress went out to connect the lower and upper links together.

"Emperor, look at this next league?"

Empress Zhou handed over the next couplet to Mochuan.

Mo Chuan took it over, looked at it very carefully, and nodded slightly.

"Very good." He raised his eyes and looked at the girl in green, his deep eyes stayed on the purple birthmark on the other person's face for a while.

The girl in green seemed to perceive his sight, her long eyelashes were hanging down, covering her pure water-like eyes, her eyes and nose, her eyes and nose, even the wind blew the hair on her face, she did not reach out Last pull.

She neither showed an inferiority expression because of her ugly face nor was flattered by the emperor's attention to herself.

She didn't blush, her heart didn't beat, she didn't feel humble, she was insulted.

The generous manner and appearance made the empress dowager even appreciate it.

Such a dignified and ceremonial ceremony, which was more than when he was younger than himself, it is really a rare and talented good girl!

"Hey, if she wasn't so ugly, and she was a lame man, even if she was of low birth, Ai's family would choose her as the queen, but she just ..." said the Queen Mother in her heart.

Her eyes couldn't help but drifted towards the green-clothed girl, but as soon as she saw the birthmark on her face, she felt her heart jump.

"It's all right, no matter how talented it is, the emperor can't look down on her, not to mention that the queen of the Western Chu Kingdom can't be an ugly monster anyway, let alone a lame person! Become a joke in other countries? "

After thinking about it, Empress Zhou decided to exclude the girl in green from the alternative.

She looked at Xia Yuyan with a smile.

"Miss Xia, it seems that you are out of the next couplet, why are you so slow to write?"

Xia Yuyan was pondering the match made by the green-haired girl, and found that the other party was really clever. The figure he came up with was compared with the other party, and was immediately compared.

She also saw the lame foot of the girl in green and the shocking birthmark on the other person's face.

Originally she had given up, but seeing the description of the girl in green, and hearing that Queen Mother Zhou inquired about herself, she suddenly raised a glimmer of hope.

"Yes, the empress dowager, Yu Yan wrote the next couplet."

Xia Yuyan stepped forward and wrote a pen to write down the long-awaited couplet, and handed it to the **** on the side, and then respectfully stood on the next head.

She knows that Empress Zhou ’s naming depends on her downline, just to promote herself and give herself a chance to show her face. She does n’t want to miss this golden opportunity.

What if the girl in green suit is better than herself?

Regarding her respectful feet and her disability, the empress dowager can't look down on her, not only the empress dowager can't look down on her, but the emperor won't look at her more.

There was a little pride in her heart, and she glanced at the green girl in the corner of her eyes.

"You're right, you're right!" Empress Zhou looked at Xia Yuyan's next couplet and was also amazed.

Although the next couplet is not as clever as the green girl's neatness, it is considered a deputy masterpiece.

"Yu Yan, you really deserve to be our first talented girl in Kyoto. This couplet is well matched! Everyone says that women are talented and virtuous. Like Yan Yan, you have a talented and virtuous girl, and your family lives I haven't seen a few at this age. "

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