Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 864: Boast and boast

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Empress Zhou did not skimp on the words of praise, only boasted that Xia Yuyan fluttered up, and the smile at the corner of her mouth could not be concealed.

However, Xia Yuyan still tried to control her smile, Yingying stepped forward and said: "The empress dowager is wrong, Yuyan is not as good as the empress dowager said, or this sister's talent is better than Yuyan."

What she meant was the green girl.

Empress Zhou smiled and said, "You know how to be humble, not arrogant or impetuous, but also rare. Emperor, what do you think of Xia Ms. Xia Lian?"

Xia Yuyan suddenly became nervous, her heart pounding, her eyes fixed on her toes, but she dared not raise her head, but her ears stood up.

When Empress Zhou commented on the girl in green clothes, she only praised one sentence, but when she evaluated Xia Yuyan, she was exaggerated and praised. After everyone heard the mystery, especially the girls, all of them Can't help being disappointed.

They all looked at Xia Yuyan with dissatisfied eyes. Wasn't their family background better, or would they be a pair?

In terms of talent, the girl in green is clearly better than her!

"Alright." Mo Chuan glanced and said lightly.

His evaluation is still two words.

But listening to Xia Yuyan's ears, I felt full of taste.

Okay? This clearly means that his lower league is not as good as the green girl!

She bit her lip, she was very wronged, and tears were shaking in her eyes.

Empress Zhou also heard the emperor's meaning. She thought that the emperor did not like this girl. Anyway, there was still a good girl. He could be chosen by him. He could choose him. Anyway, today anyway , Also have to book this family matter for him!

The girls suddenly felt relieved, like stones falling to the ground, and their hearts were full of hope again, so Wen Si springed and good sentences appeared frequently.

Suddenly, more than a dozen girls wrote down the next couplet, and presented one after another.

It seems that Queen Mother Zhou, if he is ingenious in the battle project, is the best player in the green shirt.

She was undecided and handed over all of these lower ranks to the emperor, so that the emperor could pick them up.

"Emperor, which lower league do you think is better? You choose one, and the Ai family will immediately be carved out, and it will be erected on both sides of the Yixin Pavilion." Empress Zhou asked in a pun.

Mo Chuan showed great patience today. He followed the queen mother from beginning to end. The queen mother asked him to do what he did, and he did nothing. It made the queen mother particularly satisfied.

She originally thought that this son would go to the stage and leave this post-election event entirely to herself to make a decision. If that is the case, how can she choose a girl who meets his wishes?

Although Empress Zhou hoped that her son would become married soon, she also hoped to help him find a loving couple, especially when he saw his son marrying his country because of his beloved girl. He was sad and disappeared for two days and two nights.

At that time, she made up her mind that as long as her son is happy, she can do nothing and give up!

Mo Chuan looked at all the girls' lower leagues and pointed at one without hesitation.

"Children think this is the best."

The girls couldn't see which one he was referring to, and their hearts all spoke of their throats, and they even stopped breathing.

Empress Zhou saw it clearly and froze.

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