Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 865: Who will you save first

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Because the next couplet of Mo Chuan's finger is the book written by the green girl.

Empress Zhou couldn't help raising her eyes to Mo Chuan, her lips twitching slightly, she seemed to want to ask: Emperor, did you choose the wrong one?

However, she saw Mo Chuan's focused eyes staring at the couplet, and did not look at the green-haired girl. When she reached her mouth, she swallowed it back.

"It seems that the emperor's meaning is just literally, and it's not that I want to choose the ugly girl as the queen. Well, it's not bad. If I only look at the couplet, it's really the ugly girl's next couplet." Empress Zhou Thought.

She looked at the couple in green clothes and said, "The water is turbid with insects, the fish is fished with water, the water is full of water, the rivers, lakes and lakes are slender; the wood is the base, the wood is the end, the wood is wood, the pine is cypress forest Miao! It ’s Miao indeed! Ai Jia also thinks that the next couplet is the most appropriate! Su Jin, you tell me to go down and sculpt on the pillars on both sides of this Yixin Pavilion. This Yixin Pavilion will be changed from today. Cheng Songjiang Pavilion, the emperor, what do you think? "

"Mother's words are very childlike, Songjiang Pavilion is very good." Mo Chuan replied with a smile.

"Okay, that's all for now."

Empress Zhou praised and praised, but only praised the exquisiteness of this couplet, but she did not even mention the girl in green clothes, nor did she ask her name. Apparently, she was not regarded as a queen at all.

The girls are all wise and smart people, and they all saw it all at once. They were all secretly overjoyed. They thought, no matter how good the pair of girls in green clothes are, how will they be carved on this Songjiang Pavilion? Didn't the empress and the empress despise her?

The ugly monster is the ugly monster!

Not only is she ugly, she is a cripple, but if she changes herself, she is ugly like her, and she is embarrassed to come out and show her head anyway, not to mention dare to enter the palace. Become a Phoenix?

It's a dream!

The girl in green stood in the middle of the girls, calm and calm, and she understood the meaning of Empress Dowager Zhou, but she couldn't see any expression of sadness, disappointment, or frustration on her face, or because of herself. The lower league was selected and felt proud and happy.

She looked as if nothing had happened.

Although Empress Zhou ignored her deliberately, she couldn't help but look at her secretly. The more she looked at her, the more she appreciated the girl in green.

This is the real humiliation!

She was like a sudden discovery of a piece of shiny gold in a pile of mud and lump, which made her want to pick it up, and felt that the gold was stained with soil, and picked it up and stained her clothes.

It is a pity that it is a pity!

Empress Zhou struggled to suppress her inner regrets, looked at the girls, and smiled again.

"The mourning family wants to take the exam again, and there is a question that you want to answer. You don't have to worry about anything. You can answer whatever you want. The mourning family wants to hear the most real answer."

"Queen Mother, please." The girls replied together.

Mrs. Zhou took a sip from the teacup and lowered her throat before slowly saying, "If you become a queen ..."

Upon hearing the words "Queen", the girls' faces were all hot, their eyes sparkled, and their hearts jumped.

Just listen to Empress Zhou continue to say: "The Ai Family and the Emperor fell into the water at the same time, who would you save first?"

This problem was so unexpected that the girls looked at each other and could not help but stun.

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